
  • Essay / Gender Switch - 1906

    Growing up, we were taught that men are the strongest and toughest and girls are the weakest and most caring. These stereotypes are ingrained in our heads since birth. Everything from the clothes we were dressed in to the toys we were given to play with made us believe that men were superior and women were inferior. In our city, gender roles are reversed and roles that are generally described as men's jobs are women's jobs and women's jobs are men's jobs. The community, Switchburgh, has approximately 13,000 residents according to the latest census, or population count, and is a combination of both a Gemeinschaft and a Gesellschaft. A Gemeinschaft is a community that is most often rural and which maintains very strong personal ties between the members who live there. A Gesellschaft, on the other hand, is a very large community and less interpersonal with its members, these communities have much greater diversity among their members and have little or no commitment to the groups. Our community is a mix of these two types because it is a modern suburban area that has diversity and a fairly large number of people, but also allows for interpersonal relationships. It is also a postmodern society, therefore technologically sophisticated and consumed by consumer goods and media. Switchburgh contains a standard class system consisting primarily of upper-middle-class civilians. There is also a system of stratification which means there are different layers or rankings of people, which perpetuates unequal power and rewards in a society. Each citizen has their own independent social roles, or expectations of people who occupy a specific social position, but they are also about to have...... middle of paper...... separated and continued their duties. Laybourne spoke to the group about issues that will soon arise and need to be addressed, such as food and water supplies. The government outside Switchburgh has agreed to transport food and other necessary items using machines so that no people are infected. Once they determined that the needed items would be available, they had to determine how the distribution process would take place without riots. I decided that a representative from each household would come and collect materials, food and water and that the amount they would receive would be directly proportional to the number of people living in the household. In this way, there was a bit of communism because overall all materials were owned by the community and each person received the same amount of supplies regardless of their social status, or position in a social hierarchy..