
  • Essay / Black Lives Matter and the use of memes

    Table of contentsEffect of the meme on popular opinionEffect of the meme on popular opinion of BLMAnalysis of the messageEffect of the memeEffect of the meme on popular opinion of BLMAnalysis Message of the memeEffect of popular opinion meme from BLMConclusionWorks, QuotedMemes have changed their role from entertaining viewers to conveying critical messages to the viewer about something or someone. They have become popular in the recent past following the continued evolution of technology, especially social media technology. They make headlines, particularly on social media, with the aim of informing, influencing, supporting or persuading. Since the evolution of Black Lives Matter in 2013, the use of memes supporting the course of BLM or going against its ideologies have surfaced on social media. Whether they are intended to support or distort the movement, the reality is that there are billions of BLM memes online, each carrying a specific message and connection. BLM is a legitimate movement fighting for criminal justice and demanding an end to out-of-court proceedings and the criminalization of people of color. The purpose of this essay will discuss the use and relevance of social media memes related to the Black Lives Matter movement. In particular, at least five memes will be used in this analysis. Memes have been crucial communication tools for and against the BLM movement. They have been used to modify, communicate, support or distort the message and image of the BLM movement. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Memes have been used to show support for ideologies and during the BLM movement. There are people, especially those from the white male community, who believe in the ideologies of the movement and who have repeatedly shown their support for the actions and demands of the movement. In the meme above, the main message shows support for the BLM movement. In other words, the meme aims to encourage BLM supporters to continue their activities because they have the support of a portion of the white population who also believe in what they are doing. This meme appears to have been written by a white person who recognizes that there are unacceptable problems in criminal justice, particularly in police units and the court system, that must be addressed as Black people are demanding for the justice prevails. The meme is intended to provide hope and emotional support to Black people who are enduring great suffering at the hands of the police and criminal justice system. As mentioned earlier, memes are used to show support, inform, or influence people's perception of something or someone. The purpose of the meme above is to inform BLM that they are not alone in their demand for justice and to show support for their action. Effect of the meme on popular opinion The meme is likely to inspire the BLM supporter to continue or do more protests after realizing that their messages and cries have been heard and accepted in part of the white male community . Another impact of the meme is that it will inspire people who have never believed in BLM ideologies to change their perception of the movement and consider supporting it wherever possible. The meme is likely to receive more support from white people who have been silenced for not seeing more white people participating in BLM protests. Additionally, the meme is likely to awaken and garner support from backs and other communities seeing that even white peopleare for BLM. Black people will be convinced that the fact that white people are starting to show up in BLM protest marches means the movement is likely to achieve its goals. The meme appears to have been prepared by BLM members in an effort to inform the haters and the public at large and the world who they are and what they stand for. The meme appears to have been created when the movement began receiving criticism that it was orchestrating racial disunity. The meme asserts to the public and its supporters that it is not considered a civil rights movement but one whose goal is to cause disunity, race war, and enmity between whites and black people. Through the meme, BLM lets the public know its goal and why it demonstrates and protests the way it does. In other words, the meme communicates the purpose of the movement. He says "we're trying to end a race war, but we're not trying to start one." The hope is that through this meme, those who oppose it will understand the movement by knowing its purpose and objective. It is important to note that the BLM movement has enjoyed not only support but also opposition from people opposed to its ideologies. Some claim that the movement is orchestrating racial division in the country, particularly between blacks and whites. Indeed, he has been accused of profiling white people as racist and brutal. Others said the movement sparked a race war between whites and people of African descent who claimed justice had never been on their side. By taking to the streets and demonstrating for their rights and justice, the movement is trying to end what they call the "race war." Given the evolution of the situation between the two communities, it is obvious that there is a racial war that must be put to an end. Police officers have been repeatedly caught harassing and torturing Black people based on allegations of crimes, while Black people on the other side have consistently waged a fierce campaign online and in the streets to oppose such behavior by the police and the entire criminal justice system. Effect of the meme on popular opinion of BLM. meme is likely to persuade some people to change their opinion and perception of the BLM movement. There is a group of people who are unsure of the purpose of the movement and are likely to believe rumors that BLM is causing racial division. Upon seeing the meme, these people are likely to change their minds and see the justified purpose of BLM. Analysis of the message The meme shows a crowded street. It shows millions of black people and supporters of the BLM movement barricading the road. The meme has two messages. The first message can be deciphered from the actions of the protesters who express their anger by barricading the road and shops and harming businesses everywhere as they demand justice and equality. The creator of the meme communicates the other message on the meme. The person behind the Meme is believed to be anti-BLM and appears agitated by the movement's actions to the point of proposing possibilities of bombing protesters. From the Meme, it is clear that there is a portion of Americans, especially white people, who do not care about the lives of black people and would do anything to hurt them even more. The suggestion “we lock everyone up and drop a fucking bomb on them” indicates the level of hatred between some whites and some blacks. It also shows the reality of the demands raised by the BLM movement for years. Note that the BLM movement fights for equality and fair treatment of black people under the lawas well as to end racial discrimination. The meme creator's message indicates that racial enmity and rivalry are a reality in America. For some white people, black lives mean nothing and they can do anything to push them aside. Although it would be unfair to judge white people based on the meme because it expresses only one person's opinion, that person is clearly showing or telling what is on the ground. Effect of the meme The meme is likely to direct rivalry between blacks and whites. . American society will likely see more uprisings against and for the Black Lives Matter movement. Pro-BLM will likely hold more protests and draw attention from the public to support its demand because it is clear that its future and space in America is under threat. Support for the movement from those who believe in racial justice and equality of all races is likely to grow. At the same time, the movement risks losing the support of those affected by its action. For example, business owners who fail to make sales or those who lose their products during protests are unlikely to support the movement and will possibly call for its suppression in commercial sectors. Another effect of the meme is to widen the gap between whites and blacks. If black people see the suggestions or solutions offered to meet their demands, they risk losing the trust of black people and sticking to street democracies to demand their rights. Memes are likely to attract international support for the movement. First and foremost, the meme’s demands are inhumane and against the rule of law. It is possible that BLM attracts international support because the meme only communicates the hidden realities on the ground. Analyze the Message The next meme sends a very strong message to supporters and the BLM movement. Although the main message of the BLM movement is that black lives matter too, this meme aims to let BLM supporters know that even police officers' lives matter just like black lives. Police have been accused of killing black people and subjecting them to injustices, including the selective application of justice. The creator of the meme wants to distract the public's attention from the perception that black people suffer at the hands of the police, to show that police are also not safe when dealing with black people. In other words, there appears to be competition between the police and BLM supporters and sympathizers. It's no longer just about black people but also about the police. A detailed analysis would suggest that Black Americans also pose a threat to the lives and safety of police officers in the line of duty. This could mean that the police are acting to defend themselves against the actions of black people. The irony behind this meme lies in the use of the image of a black man holding a flyer and an American flag. Black people sometimes said their space in America was threatened and that they no longer felt pride in being Americans because of the way they were treated. However, seeing any of them with a leaflet would contradict their statement and their demand for justice. The gist of the meme's main message is that police lives only matter black lives. Effect of the meme on popular opinion of BLM The meme is likely to have a dual impact on the BLM movement. The first impact is the possible emergence of another movement fighting for the rights of police officers who feel threatened when arresting black people. The movement could lose relevance because attention is not shifted in another direction, which could suggest that the problemsraised by the movement are false and not based on facts. This also risks causing a division between BLM supporters and, ultimately, a failure in their journey. The success of BLM depends on Black people unifying to work together and move forward as a team and deliver the same message. However, with this meme, the attitude and perception that the general public might have about BLM is likely to change. Ultimately, the public will view BLM as not united or unsure of its direction and purpose. It's possible that the meme was generated by one or more anti-BLM supporters who wanted to show that even black people recognize that they are never comfortable around the police. Even if the meme fails to distort BLM's message, it poses serious threats to its future. Analysis of the message of the meme The meme has a political message. It attempts to show how the BLM movement influenced Clinton's campaign, particularly her message on racial justice. BLM took advantage of Clinton's past statements and remarks about people of color to demand an apology, which ended up costing her politically. In 1996, she called black Americans "super predators with no conscience or empathy who must be brought to heel," which became a major stumbling block to her 2016 presidential bid. BLM used these statements not only to demand her apology, but also to let their supporters know that she (Clinton) did not have good intentions for African Americans. BLM is not a political movement, but it works closely with politicians and political parties who tend to respond to their demands and demands. This meme was prepared to show the impact of Black Lives Matter on Hillary Clinton's political campaign during the 2016 presidential election. The meme shows that BLM was not supportive of Clinton's presidential candidacy in the 2016 presidential election. 2016 as it was clear she had never cared about black people before, as cited in her previous public statements. At this time, Clinton tended to identify with blacks for their political support. The meme shows that black people were not willing to support Clinton because she was concerned about their votes and not their lives. Effect of the meme on popular opinion of BLM The meme has several effects on public opinion of BLM as a "human rights movement." First, it shows that BLM is a powerful movement that can influence the political campaign and agendas of presidential candidates. As the essay shows, BLM influenced Hillary Clinton's political messaging on the issue of racial justice. Additionally, the movement sends a strong message that it is ready to work with sensible people and political leaders. One of the reasons people of color have not fully supported Clinton's campaign is because of her past comments about black people. The second impact is to present BLM as a realistic and focused movement, ready to work with people they trust and are consistent with their statements. The alleged withdrawal of support for Hillary Clinton, as the meme suggests, shows that BLM is not willing to work with people who have questionable attachment to African Americans. Clinton does not have a good reputation with black people following her previous comments, and it has been suggested that she only cares about votes and not black lives. Finally, with the movement's growing popularity, politicians are likely to characterize BLM as a threat to their political agendas and will not support its direction. Without political support, the/