
  • Essay / 392 Coffee vs. Starbucks - 1225

    392 Coffee vs. StarbucksPayson loves coffee but decided to try coffee from two different companies. The two companies were 392 Cafe and Starbucks. Payson liked 392 Café because of its coffee, bakery, smoothies, work environment and the personality of the workers. She did not return to Starbucks because of her pleasant experience at 392. The bubbly personalities marked a place in her loving heart that no other coffee shop can compare. She loves doing her homework there because it's so relaxing. Payson loves seeing people walk in with a big smile on their face. 392 Café has such a positive atmosphere. Of course the coffee is excellent. Initially anti-coffee due to terrible experiences, she loves 392's coffee. It has just the perfect blend. It's not too dark, but not too creamy either. Although many coffee lovers will say that Starbucks is better than 392 Cafe, further investigation proves that 392 Cafe is better according to nearby testers. One of the reasons someone would choose 392 Cafe over Starbucks would be the quality of the coffee. Some people would say that Starbucks coffee is really dark and black. Black coffee leaves a very bad aftertaste for some people. At 392 Café, the coffee is rather creamy. Creamy coffee doesn't taste as bitter to most people. Jessica says: “The coffee at 392 Café is the perfect temperature and at Starbucks the coffee tends to burn your tongue. » The quality of the coffee temperature at 392 is perfect so people can drink it immediately when it's fresh. Starbucks coffee tends to take longer to drink due to the scorching temperatures. Because it takes longer to drink, it's not as fresh when people take their last sip. As a result, 392 C ...... middle of paper ...... into 392 Café and order his favorite item off the menu. His favorite product is Caramel Macchiato. A good hot drink relaxes Payson. She also likes the atmosphere at 392 Café, so she goes to sit and do her homework. By the time Payson leaves the café, she is in a much better mood than when she arrived. 392 Café is simply an amazing place. There isn't a single person Payson has spoken to who doesn't love 392 Café. It's a successful business. They are certainly better than Starbucks, going beyond the quality of their coffee, their baked goods, their smoothies, the personality of their workers, and their work environment. There is no other café Payson would rather go to than 392 Café. She fell in love with it, as did many other people. Although many people will say that Starbucks is better than 392 Cafe, further investigation has proven that 392 Cafe is better..