
  • Essay / Mary's behavioral growth has gone viral

    During the long day that unfolds throughout Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night, the members of the Tyrone family struggle with the events of the present due to of their inability to move forward after the events of the past. For example, Mary Tyrone, the wife of James Tyrone, has difficulty living peacefully in the present due to her morphine addiction that began in the past. From the first act of O'Neill's play, Tyrone introduces the audience to Mary's struggle in the present by declaring her behavior "a little nervous" (O'Neill 5) which is influenced by her drug use, which has been initiated from a previous dose of morphine administered medically during her child's labor. Mary faces a constant struggle to accept both her past and her present, and says, “None of us can help the things that life has done to us. They're done before you know it, and once they're done, they make you do other things until finally everything comes between you and what you'd like to be, and you lose your true self forever. Neil). Mary's biggest challenge, dealing with her morphine addiction, is something that has indeed changed her true personality from what she would like to be, but her statement does not fully apply to her or her life family. Mary and the rest of the Tyrone family have the ability to direct their lives; The decisions made by the Tyrone family in the past have influenced the things that affect them in the present. So the Tyrone family could help the things that life throws at them by making choices in the present that would create good fortune in the future. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay The choices James Tyrone made earlier in his life influence his current life which takes place during the plot of the play 'O'Neill. Although Mary's statement in act two of the play implies that people cannot help the things that life has done to them, Tyrone could help the things that life has done to him by making choices that would benefit its future. For example, Tyrone made the choice early in his career to become a single character actor on a traveling series rather than take on the more difficult task of auditioning for various roles. Tyrone would later admit: "That damn coin that I bought for a song and which was so successful - a great financial success - ruined me with its promise of easy wealth." I didn't want to do anything else, and by the time I realized I had become a slave to the damn thing and hadn't tried other parts, it was too late. They had identified me with that one role and didn’t want me in anything else” (O’Neill 82). Tyrone's decision to become an actor for a single role came with the immediate benefit of earning a good salary, but it prevented him from developing his skills and abilities as an actor and potentially being able to work as a actor in other plays in the future. Therefore, Tyrone had the ability to change his current life if he had considered the future when making choices in the past. Another circumstance that James Tyrone had the power to control was Mary's addiction to morphine. Tyrone's financial avarice prompted his decision to hire a cheap doctor, Doctor Hardy, known as an "ignorant fool" who should be banned from practicing (O'Neill 38). Nevertheless, Tyrone hired the cheap doctor who administered morphine to Mary, making her addicted soon after. Tyrone made the decision to hire a doctorcheap hotel instead of a reliable doctor; If he had paid extra for a more expensive doctor to deliver the couple's second child in the past, Tyrone potentially wouldn't have to take care of his drug-addicted wife in the present. So, Tyrone had the ability to help things in the present if he had made wiser choices in the past. Tyrone simply admits to being responsible for what life has done to him and Mary by admitting that it wasn't Mary's fault for her drug addiction, and that "Once that damn poison takes hold of someone..." (O'Neill 76), then they no longer have any control. So, it was the doctor's fault for Mary's addiction, and Tyrone ultimately created the outcome by hiring the cheap doctor. On top of these circumstances, Tyrone has the ability to shape his wife's future by providing her with better care, but he refuses to pay for better care because he claims to have "spent thousands and thousands on cures!" A waste. What good did they do? (O’Neill 77). Tyrone could also have hired a good doctor for his son Edmund and potentially changed the intended fate of Edmund's life, but Tyrone instead chooses "another cheap charlatan like Hardy!" [Because he] wouldn’t pay for a top-notch product” (O’Neill 18). Therefore, Tyrone proves Mary's judgment of destiny to be wrong, as he has the ability to change the course of his family's destiny. Tyrone also had the ability to change the destiny of his sons, Jamie and Edmund, by teaching them good values ​​through his parenting. As a father with much more experience than his sons, James Tyrone could have influenced his sons to value a hard work ethic similar to that he was introduced to as a child. Throughout the play, Tyrone complains that his sons do not appreciate the value of money or the life it has given them because they are given everything instead of earning everything, leading to his sons to “know nothing about the value of property”. dollar?" (O'Neill 81). Rather than complaining about his sons' work ethic and financial worth, Tyrone had the power to raise them in a way that prioritized ethical values Tyrone could have helped shape his sons' habits by raising them responsibly instead of drinking like a father, and causing his sons to become heavy drinkers later in life. son for her and Tyrone's failure to provide the boys with a different lifestyle Mary confesses to her sons that they "never had the chance to meet decent people here. I know you both would have. been so different” (O’Neill 21) If Tyrone had raised his sons with different values, his son Jamie would not have been kicked out of several colleges, would not have had a job, and would not have come home. for the summer seeking support from his parents Thus, Tyrone had the ability to manipulate his current situation facing his son, whom he considers a failure, if he had made careful parenting decisions in the past. As demonstrated by Edmund, who “worked so hard before he got sick.” ” (O’Neil 46), it is possible for sons to adopt a hard work ethic. Mary's further insinuation that things from the past "make you do other things lose your true self forever" is a subjective statement based on her own obstacles in life. Things that happened for Mary in the past, like falling in love with James Tyrone, led her to do things she wouldn't have done otherwise. For example, if Mary had not met Tyrone at the theater, Mary would have continued to seek to become a nun, rather than marry and have children..