
  • Essay / Are developing countries “winners” or “losers” from...

    The only thing the world absolutely needs to do is understand globalization better. Today, in the era of globalization, which concerns different aspects of life, such as politics, economy and society, it is difficult to imagine life without thousands of goods and services from around the world entire. There are hundreds of multinational companies spread all over the world, such as Mc Donald's and Burger King, Coca Cola and Pepsi, Apple and Samsung, Nike and Adidas and others. Today, grocery stores offer fruits and vegetables grown in South America, clothing made in China or Vietnam and cars made in Mexico, India, South Africa or Brazil. All this is the result of economic globalization. Economic globalization is the process of market integration and interaction between people, businesses and states. Multinational companies play a huge role in globalization by opening their factories overseas, usually in developing countries like China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh, in order to find cheap labor and evade taxes and environmental regulations. Multinational corporations promise countries economic development and prosperity, but in reality they subject workers to terrible conditions by creating sweatshops and using child labor. For all the promises that multinational corporations will benefit developing countries, economic globalization and especially multinational corporations are actually widening the gap between developed and developing countries through the use of sweatshops, child labor and violating human rights. Therefore, it would be beneficial to impose tariffs on multinational corporations and create stable organizations that will control several...... middle of paper ...... "The Noble Feat of Nike by Johan Norberg". Spectator (2003): 1-5. Print. Pierik, Roland and Mijke Houwerzijl. “Western Policies on Child Labor Abroad.” Ethics and International Affairs (Wiley-Blackwell) 20.2 (2006): 193-218. Premier Academic Research. Internet. April 16, 2014.Rudra, Nita. “Are workers in developing countries winners or losers in the current era of globalization?” Comparative International Development Studies 40.3 (2005): 29-64. Premier Academic Research. Internet. April 23, 2014. Seidman, Gay W. “Regulation at work: globalization, labor rights and development.” Social Research 79.4 (2012): 1023-1044. Premier Academic Research. Internet. April 25, 2014. Suryahadi, Asep, Agus Priyambada and Sudarno Sumarto. “Poverty, school and work: children during the economic crisis in Indonesia”. Development and Change 36.2 (2005): 351-373. Premier Academic Research. Internet. April 16. 2014.