
  • Essay / Natural Selection Essay - 698

    Natural selection is the gradual process by which biological traits become more or less common in a population depending on the effect of inherited traits on the differential reproductive success of organisms interacting with their environment. This is a key mechanism of evolution. This simply means that the stronger traits will be passed on and the weaker traits will not. The one who took this theory to heart and proved it was Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin obtained many facts to support this thesis. One of the problems he faced was proving natural selection in a short period of time. He wanted an example visible in real time. Charles Darwin didn't know it, but natural selection was happening in England. One of the examples of pigs in England was the pepper moth. When the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, tons and tons of soot were deposited around industrial areas. The soot would then turn lighter colored rocks, trees and other objects into a dark color. For the revolution, the mouth was a much lighter color and blended in with anything light. When the soot began to fall, the butterflies were easy to see. Because butterflies were easy to see, birds and other organisms that ate them found them with little effort. Soon, dark butterflies were the only ones capable of transmitting their traits. This then caused an increase in the number of dark pepper moths, while the lighter colors were in decline (biology corner .com). Other examples of natural selection exist in places like the Sand Hills of Nebraska. Nebraska is home to a deer mouse that can evolve very quickly. Most deer mice are a darker tan color. The deer mouse is dark in color because it lives in the woods. The dark colored line would continue into the woods. middle of paper This caused hominids to become more intelligent, then evolve to use tools, start fires, hunt and trap, grow crops, and build homes. This brings us back to Darwin's theory of natural selection. If they had not evolved to survive the cold, they might have died before they could pass on their gene and the species would become extinct. Some people believe that the Bible disproves evolution because it simply says that God created everything the same. it is, and has always been so. I'm not going to declare the Bible false because I believe in God, but I also believe in evolution. I don't think things evolved from insects, but I do believe that something divine, like God, created a species that would evolve from what it was. I think it's also possible that animals evolved in much the same way as humans, but something divine didn't create them.