
  • Essay / The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the Digital Act...

    We will discuss two cybersecurity laws, the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the Digital Signatures Act 1997 , as well as how they apply to this case study. “The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 applies to any person who processes and any person who controls or authorizes the processing of personal data in the course of commercial transactions. It also ensures protection of the rights of data subjects/data users” (Mohamed, D. and Abdul Jalil, J. 2010). “The Digital Signatures Act of 1997 aims to ensure the security of online transactions. It regulates the use of digital signatures and governs certification authorities through the issuance of valid licenses. It legalizes only one form of digital signature technology, namely private key-public key cryptography” (Mohamed, D. and Abdul Jalil, J. 2010). Bank VL could implement both cyber laws to help improve operations at the corporate level and the banking sector. As VL Bank is going through this horrible financial disaster and fraudulent transfers, adapting these cyber laws would help prevent future fraudulent activities, financial malpractices and frauds by customers. We believe both standards should be implemented to help mitigate any further fraud and security breaches. VL Bank has a civic duty not only to its customers, but also to its own reputation, regarding industry-wide safeguards and reporting recent incidents and transactions. with unauthorized money transfers and deposits. The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 is supposed to protect the privacy of people with accounts in the institution. Customer data should not be automatically accessible to individuals or organizations. The Digital Signatures Act of 1997 was written to help solve the problems of paper......fraud and unauthorized access are established and up to date. This will also help regain its position in the financial sector and gain the trust of customers. ReferencesDouglas, T. and Loader, BD (2000). Cybercrime: security and surveillance in the information age. Routledge. Retrieved from: Accessed: 23-2-2013Mohamed, D. and Abdul Jalil, J. (2010). Violation of cyber laws and computer ethics: consequences and potential legal actions. Woodman, P. (2007). Business continuity management. London: Chartered Management Institute. Williamson, GD and Money–America's, GE (2006). Enhanced Authentication in Online Banking (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College)).