
  • Essay / Essay on Catholic Culture - 787

    She told me how her religion began. She explained to me why things happened the way they did. Janet spoke about the value Catholics place on honesty, integrity and kindness. She made me understand that people of the Catholic faith do not just pray to erase their sins, but must go to the confessional (a small box located in the parish) to ask for forgiveness with the help of a priest. She explained that if you follow these commandments, you can live an honest life. She felt this way because the people who follow them won't want to steal, lie or cheat, in her opinion. Thus, creating a better environment and a more authentic way of life. Mark told me how he prayed before every meal and before bed every day. He also told me that he went to church on Sundays and attended mass every day. By telling me these things, they brought me into their culture and helped me learn everything I wanted to know about