
  • Essay / Sleep Habits and Social Media Use

    Table of ContentsIntroductionDiscussionConclusionReferencesIntroductionIntroduction: Social media has an important role in today's life and society, because whoever controls today's life is already familiar with social media and their uses. Background: Society is a concept used to describe the structured relationships and institutions within a large community of people that cannot be reduced to a simple collection or aggregation of individuals. Surveys have revealed that one can even find a gadget in every house, which means that it allows the owner of the gadget to access social media. It becomes one of the major needs in this era because of its benefits. Based on Heidi's statement, he said that social media is all about technology and platforms that allow whoever uses it to have interactive activity from one participant to other participants or to the public (2011). By accessing social networks, we can communicate with each other, obtain information and even simply entertain ourselves. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay Another thing that makes it interesting is that social media is an internet-based tool which makes its use more effective, said Manikant Tripathi (2018). Thesis Statement: Besides all the positive impact of using social media, we cannot deny that it also has some negativity. This negativity can be a serious problem and lead society to a serious social problem if it still cannot be resolved. According to Anna's 2017 opinion, overuse of the Internet can lead us to have lifelong lifestyles that negatively impact ourselves, such as weight gain and indolence, which makes us causes us to decline in our physical form. Sociologists consider that one of the permanent and negative lifestyles affected by the overuse of social media is lack of sleep or so-called insomnia. Anna adds that computer use among adolescents was associated with sleep disturbances such as late sleep, late waking up, less restorative sleep, and everything related to good sleep decreases (2017). In 2014, Dr. Levenson and his team carried out the study. to 1,788 American adults aged 19 to 32, to determine social media use and appropriate standards for assessing sleep disorders. The result of the study shows that the participants checked their social networks for more than an hour a day and almost thirty percent of the participants had high levels of sleep disturbances. The fact that most of us don't really care about the negative impact of social media use is a warning. Discussion Topic Phrase: Looking at your phone, checking your social media before going to bed can be totally harmful. Comment: Indeed, overuse of gadgets can cause lack of sleep or insomnia, as experts say. Evidence and Citation: Dr. Levenson, in his research, stated that insomnia disorder is characterized by chronic dissatisfaction with the quantity or quality of sleep that is associated with difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequent nocturnal problems with difficulty falling back to sleep and/or waking up earlier in the morning than desired. (2018). Data from the Pew Research Center showed that social media use among adults increased significantly, from 5% in 2005 to 69% in 2018, with nearly 90% of 18- to 29-year-olds reporting their use. Comment: This is urgentas the National Sleep Foundation reports that nearly half of Americans don't get the recommended hours of sleep, which is about 7 to 9 hours. Topic Sentence: Over the past ten years, common Internet use among adolescents has increased significantly. Evidence and citations: 93% of adolescents aged 12 to 17 go online in the United States, as was the case in Japan, 71.8% in China, and 74.5% in India. Similarly, the prevalence of Internet addiction is 22.2% among Iranian high school students, 25.5% among Indians, 18.05% among Tunisians, 10.6% among Taiwanese and 10 .6% among Iranian high school students. Turkish 07. 9%. Compared to those not addicted to the Internet, Internet addicts had higher rates of psychopathy (65.0%), suicidal thoughts within a week (47.0%), history of suicide attempt ( 23.1%) and suicide attempts in one week. a year (5.1%), Sarah Islamie Farsani and her team said in 2016. Topic sentence: Sleep problems can be caused by a variety of factors. Although the causes may differ, the end result of all sleep disorders is that the body's natural daytime sleep and wake cycle is disrupted or exaggerated. Evidence and Citations: Short-term or acute insomnia can be caused by life stresses such as job loss or change, death of a loved one or move, illness, or environmental factors such as light, noise or extreme temperatures. Statement by Neha Pathak in 2017. Comment: From the above data we can conclude that this health problem can affect all ages and here are some reasons why checking your social media can lead you to the sleeping problem. Researchers have found that social media use is more common among people with higher levels of education than those with lower levels of education, and students are the most frequent users (Frank 2016). . Topic Sentence: Previous researchers have shown that social media use in sleep patterns was attributed to the three well-known underlying mechanisms of the negative impact of electronic media use on sleep. Evidence and Citations: First, the time young people spend on social media may actually eat into the time available to sleep—the time displacement hypothesis. Second, social media use is known to increase arousal. Third, when adolescents use social media, they are exposed to bright screens, which can disrupt the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Comment: Consistent with this reasoning, it has been shown that people who use devices emitting light displays before bed actually take longer to fall asleep, their circadian rhythms are disrupted, and their daytime sleepiness increases. . Topic Sentence: Daytime sleepiness can be defined as the reduced ability to remain awake and alert during normal daytime hours, leading to sleep interruptions. drowsiness or sleep. Comment: Researchers concluded that evening use of electronic media such as television, computers, etc. by adolescents is associated with a delay in bedtime and a reduction in total sleep time. Evidence and citations: Cell phone and computer use in bed have been reported to be associated with delayed sleep (Brunborg et al.) and Internet use is strongly associated with daytime sleepiness excessive in adolescents. However, it did not study why adolescents used the Internet excessively. UntilTo date, studies directly examining the relationship between social media use and sleep have yielded mixed results. While one study found that social media frequency was linked to more sleep problems, including more difficulty falling asleep and lower sleep quality (Levenson et al., 2016), others Studies have shown little to no support for a negative relationship between social media use and sleep. .Soderquist et al. reported that regular cell phone users experienced health symptoms such as fatigue, stress, headaches, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and trouble sleeping more often than less frequent cell phone users. Chang et al. reported that people who use devices that emit bright lights on a screen before bed actually take longer to fall asleep, their circadian rhythms are disrupted, and their daytime sleepiness increases. Conclusion There are two ways to determine whether a problem is personal or social. One way to differentiate between the two types of problems concerns causality. A problem can be classified as a social problem if it has negative effects on society and the way people live in society. As Rubington and Weinberg (2010) say, they consider social problems to be social issues when they refer to situations inconsistent with the values ​​of a significant number of people who agree that action is necessary to change the situation. Between 2010 and 2016, there was a significant increase in complaints of lack of sleep among 18-24 year olds, with 60% of this age group now affected by sleep deprivation, said Professor David Hillman, President from the Sleep Health Foundation of Australia Social media can be said to partly contribute to this problem, as Masomeh Hadadvand (2014) stated that there is a correlation between high daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. different era, different problem is the right word to say that life develops and society plays an important role in one of the factors of global development As stated by PLM Leisink (2014), according to which societies. are faced with complex problems. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized article from our expert writers now. Get a Custom Essay Concluding Paragraph: Today's problems, and the circumstances in which stakeholders must address them, are different from what they were a few decades ago, as two examples show. An example of this is the aging of the population, which is accompanied by increasing demand for pensions, health care and care facilities for the elderly. Because this phenomenon is a huge problem and the one taking control of it is society itself, it is important for us to control ourselves in all the things we are going to do. References Tandon, A., Kaur, P., Dhir, A. and Mäntymäki, M. (2020). Insomnia because of social media? Investigate sleep problems due to social media and social media sleep hygiene. Computers in Human Behavior, 113, 106487. Alonzo, R., Hussain, J., Stranges, S., and Anderson, KK (2021). Interaction between social media use, sleep quality and mental health in youth: a systematic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 56, 101414. ( Kolhar, M., Kazi, RNA, and Alameen, A. (2021). Effect of social media use on learning, interactions.