
  • Essay / Actions Puff will take to clean up the oceans

    There are two main things that need to be done, one of them is to clean up the ocean and the other is to prevent it from becoming dirtier. The solution to stopping the ocean from getting dirtier is mass re-education of people across the United States about beach and ocean pollution. This solution has been proposed by many people, including scientist Jennifer Lavers who works at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies and the CEO of the Ocean Conservancy who proposed re-educating businesses on how to manage waste. By doing this, people will be informed of the catastrophic consequences of simply throwing things into the streets, oceans or beaches. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay If you think about it, it's quite simple. Every year, thousands, if not millions, of people volunteer to clean up oceans and beaches. In the Ocean Conservancy NGO alone, there are over twelve million volunteers and there are hundreds of other NGOs with millions of volunteers who can help make this program possible. These people were directly confronted with the problem. They saw the suffering of animals and the immense amount of waste that accumulates on beaches around the world. Why not use these people to educate the children of America, after all they are the youngest generation and their impact will ensure success in the future. The advantage of this solution is that it does not stop there. As the CEO of Ocean Conservancy stated, re-education of people working in factories as well as large corporations can just as easily happen. This solution will re-educate the population about the seriousness of this problem and thus significantly reduce the amount of pollution released into the ocean and hopefully by 2030 at least thirty percent of the country can be informed of the problem . This solution for re-educating people has proven itself in research carried out in forty-seven countries. In this research in which people were made aware of the problem, not only was there less waste thrown away, but also fewer people were dumping their waste into the ocean. This was also proven when the EPA launched a program to essentially re-educate the public about gas emissions and how they pose a serious danger to the environment and, therefore, to us. In doing so, they found they were able to avoid 368 million tonnes of gas emissions. If we were able to implement these programs to prevent ocean pollution, the reduction in plastic waste entering the ocean would be significant. The second solution, which would be the short-term solution, is the collection of waste on heavily polluted beaches. There are several very polluted beaches around the world, some of them in the United States. So what PUF F is proposing is to bring together volunteers to participate in a massive cleanup of the most polluted beach in the United States, namely Kamilo Beach in Hawaii or, as many citizens of the region say call it “Plastic Beach”. This event, with the help of volunteers and sponsors, could also serve as a practical educational program that could contribute to the rehabilitation of children and adults. This solution is just the beginning, as more awaits us in the future. Volunteers will be gathered from schools which will also contribute to our previous solution of rehabilitating people, volunteers or any residents close to the area willing to help will also be gathered through the mediasocial. Regarding the PUF F organization's spending, we will receive donations in particular from foundations known for helping the oceans, such as that of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, which donated $294.84 million to clean up the oceans . Additionally, fifty to eighty percent of the expenses of these massive cleanups carried out in various countries today are paid for by the state government, so in terms of money and where to get it, there is no issue. We would prefer to depend on government, including tax policy, because it would fall into the hands of government and with the tax money it earns. With just a small percentage of their earnings, we would be able to fund our projects which will ultimately have a greater good on America's beaches. This is of course contractionary economic growth, when the economic flow takes an expansionary turn, we might depend more on donations and sponsorships from others. After this mass cleanup, the PUF F organization will take care of other beaches with high concentrations of plastic, such as Poncho Beach in California. With these two solutions, the amount of waste deposited on beaches and in the ocean will be reduced, and the most polluted beaches can become the cleanest beaches. These two solutions are the answer to a clean future America where people can eat seafood without being contaminated. For an America where its citizens are not at risk of suffering from diseases linked to microplastics present in fish, an example of these diseases being cancer. Today, more than a quarter of fish contain microplastics, according to a study of fish markets in Indonesia and California. As for the organization of this NGO, it takes place as follows. The PUFF organization has a board of directors made up of the 3 founders, who will make all the programs possible: Rodrigo Galvan, Paulina Mercado and Jorge Contreras. Since a board of directors is a legal requirement to be accepted by the authorities, these volunteers will participate independently of their other roles in the NGO. They will be responsible for holding private meetings with a transparency report at the end, and they will be in charge of decisions as well as fundraising, representing the NGO. Depending on the hierarchy, the general assembly will be open to volunteers meeting the requirements of the request, due to the current lack of staff and its legal necessity. The executive director who will be responsible for leading the NGO, reporting to the board of directors and managing daily activities, will be Rodrigo Galvan. The administrative manager who will be in charge of managing the financial activity of the NGO, fundraising activities and will be in charge of all customer relations, will be Jorge Contreras. The communications and dissemination manager who will be responsible for managing or working on public relations, publications, media, name and image advertising as well as the management of this and web publications will be Paulina Mercado. The program and activities manager who will be in charge of programming all activities and projects within the conditions of a budget and an audience will be Paulina Mercado. Finally, positions are to be applied for those who meet the criteria. What are the different steps that the PUF F organization will take to carry out this initiative? This will start by creating our NGO, using the people already participating to invite more people to participate, attracting their attention with the help of the Communication and Dissemination Manager (Paulina) through social media and the use of videos to actually create this NGO. . Of course, all this will have to be approved by.