
  • Essay / Essay on Blackfoot Religion - 1133

    “The entire Blackfoot universe [is] invested with an omnipresent supernatural power that could be encountered in the natural environment” (quoted in Hanes and Pifer ). This statement represents the fundamental belief of the Blackfoot religion that an inescapable mystical force permeates the world and its inhabitants, including the simplest forms of life (Johorey 3). For the Blackfeet, religion is not only a spiritual connection to the outside world, but it is also their way of life. Without their belief system, the Blackfoot would cease to be their own culture and their lives, so intensely dependent on their spiritual values, would no longer have purpose. Their religion has neither name nor religious doctrine; its origins being centered solely on oral folktales, passed down over time, that embody their religion and cultural beliefs. Blackfoot religion is polytheistic, based on the natural world and its content combined with ceremonial practices as well as sacred medicine bundles, as well as a general respect for life. With the limitations of appropriate documentation devices, the Blackfoot religion has had to rely heavily on oral communications of their spiritual history to allow their religion to remain alive over the centuries (St. Rosemary Educational Institution 2; Weiser 1 ). These oral communications were folk tales and legends told by many members of the tribe, which spoke of "...the beginning of time, the sun, the moon and the stars, the formation of the earth, the power of animals, wind, clouds, and thunder and lightning” (St. Rosemary Educational Institution 2), all of which played an immense role in the Blackfoot belief system (St. Rosemary Educational Institution 2). All of these were... middle of paper ... oral history you can see that the Blackfoot legends have a very simple idea of ​​how the world was created with a very concise and modest. , allowing the story to be easily told across generations without being misinterpreted. Additionally, this creation tale reveals the modernization of the Blackfoot community over time, because instead of an oral presentation, the folktale is recorded, implying that the image of the Blackfoot religion decreases over time. Blackfoot religious beliefs are very unique and complex, involving polytheism. , supernatural beliefs and respect for nature. Even though it is dying out, it remains a religion that will not be forgotten because of its interesting beliefs. Its folk tales have allowed generations of tribesmen to perpetuate their religion over the centuries, making it a powerful religious force..