
  • Essay / Organized Youth Sports

    According to Megan, “If players receive positive encouragement and learn good sportsmanship from a young age, they will be able to model that behavior as a player or observer today and in the future. » I am for the young people. Organized youth sports league because it helps children in many ways. There is a lot of debate about whether or not children should sign up for youth sports, simply because others say no. I am for youth sports because they teach children life lessons, inspire others with the spirit of competitive sports, and can promote a healthy lifestyle. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay For starters, organized youth sports teach kids life lessons that might help them later. In the article Sports Teach Kids Valuable Lessons written by Stephen D. Keener states, "While striving not to win, children learn teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship, all of which can contribute to their development as strong citizens. » While playing sports, children learn about life. lessons. Without these sports, children may never learn to be good citizens. Children also learn teamwork because they always play as a team. Keener also says, “In organized team sports, children work together to complete a task and learn from their mistakes. » Without organized youth sports, children might never learn from their mistakes and continue to do something wrong over and over again, which could cause problems later. their life. Second, it inspires others with the spirit of competitive sport. Keener said, “Every summer, millions of people watch the Little League World Series tournaments and are reminded that there are extremely talented athletes on our fields. » The spirit of competitive sport inspires others, which may lead others to follow the same path. Keener also says, “These wonderful, heartfelt scenes, full of life lessons for all ages, were inspired by the spirit of competitive team sports. » People of all ages can be inspired by the spirit of competitive sports, no matter your age. always be inspired. Finally, organized youth sports can promote a healthy lifestyle. In the article Give Children Variety and Time Off written by David Geier, it is stated: “As adults, we should want our children to play sports. They not only provide exercise but also promote mental well-being and social development. » Adults are proud of their children who play sports because it is healthy for them and contributes to social development. David also says: “Studies suggest that sport and exercise can lead to greater academic success. » Studies can prove that children who play sports will perform better academically, which could lead to successful lives. Some will say that children's bodies are not capable of playing a sport day after day. Geier says “more kids than ever are playing sports and injuries have skyrocketed. Injuries that previously only occurred among professionals, such as a torn elbow ligament, are now affecting school-aged athletes. Children can get injured playing sports, but they will learn from their mistakes so it doesn't happen again. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get an article now..