
  • Essay / "All American Boys: Quotes representing the theme of racism

    Racism and prejudice are one of the most serious and pernicious situations in our world today. The essay All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely is about two young men, Rashad. Butler and Quinn Collins, a black and a white man, whose lives are forever changed by an act of extreme police brutality. The novel definitely opens the reader's eyes to what people of different color might fear or experience in their lives. also shows how each race is treated differently, mainly by police officers, they are mainly prejudiced towards their people (people of their ethnicity; white). Following this, prejudice and racism are one of the major themes of this novel. Not only does this affect Rashad's life at the beginning of the book, but it ends up affecting Quinn's life as you progress through the book. Say No to Plagiarism Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”. '?Get an original essay' Hey, Will, I said in the photo. This is for you. Mom always tells us to take responsibility. That we have to live up to the reason Dad died. We need to get good grades, go to college, and enjoy every minute of our lives because He died for us. I believe that. But I think he died for that too. If he died for freedom and justice, well, why the hell did he die if it doesn't matter to all of us? Quinn declares his father's legacy and the true meaning of All American. American values ​​should be transmitted to all citizens, regardless of race, and that is why Quinn is protesting. He's trying to point out that if freedom and justice don't matter to all Americans, then why did their father die? Quinn tries to pass on the values ​​of what it means to be American to his brother in order to show why his father died. “I just wanted him to stop beating me. I just wanted to live. Each blow makes my insides shake, crushing parts of me I've never seen, parts of me I didn't know were there. “These fucking thugs can’t do what you’re told. We must learn to respect authority. And I'm going to teach you, he taunted, and whispered in my ear. » Rashad's thoughts of being beaten show just how brutal Officer Paul Galluzzo's attack was. Rashad isn't even sure he'll survive. Officer Galluzzo is clearly using a level of force that is extremely unnecessary in the situation with Rashad. Furthermore, Officer Galluzzo's comments about "fucking thugs" show that his attack on Rashad was not aimed at Rashad personally but an act motivated by his prejudice against African Americans and his need to show off his power. “All I wanted to do was see the guy. I hadn't seen him a week earlier. The guy behind all this bullshit, too many of us see first, especially white guys like me who just haven't worked hard enough to look behind it. "This quote represents Quinn's awareness of how to combat racism by him and his fellow white Americans. learning to see individuals as they actually are rather than their stereotypes. and shows his own maturity. This quote also shows Quinn growing up as a young man, learning to see others as they really are and taking his time and effort to do so shows him truly learning who he wants to be. the nation needs to see people for who they really are to fight racism. Keep in mind: this is just a sample..