
  • Essay / Adolescence as a period of storm and stress: a stage of changes

    Table of contentsSocial changes during adolescenceEmotional changes during adolescenceIntellectual changes during adolescencePhysical changes during adolescenceConclusionReferencesAdolescence, often characterized as a phase of “storm and stress”, constitutes a crucial stage in human development. This essay aims to explore the concept of adolescence as a time of storm and stress, delving into the underlying psychological, neurological and sociocultural factors that contribute to these fluctuations and examining the implications for individuals and society. This transitional period, linking childhood to adulthood, is marked by a multitude of physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes that can be both exhilarating and challenging. Coined by G. Stanley Hall in the early 20th century, the phrase "storm and stress" encapsulates the turbulence and conflict that adolescents often experience as they navigate the complexities of identity formation, relationships with peers and self-discovery. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Adolescence is the stage of life when a person is no longer a child but not quite an adult. This period can be divided into three stages as well: early adolescence, mid-adolescence and late adolescence. The beginning of adolescence is approximately between the ages of 10 and 12 and begins with the child's puberty. The reproductive organs mature during this period. This means the start of menstruation in girls and the appearance of pubic hair in boys. Adolescence lasts a few years after puberty. Meanwhile, intellectual talents develop. Physical changes as well as emotional and social growth can be observed. They generate some interest in their future work and are motivated in this regard. The beginnings of this period vary from one another. Middle adolescence from 15 to 16 years old. During this period, puberty ended in both sexes. The physical growth of the female group is slower here and that of the males is as usual. The end of adolescence extends from 17 to 21 years old. He believes he was an independent citizen. Meanwhile, people change. Emotional, social, intellectual and physical changes can be strongly observed. Social Changes During Adolescence There are changes in your child's interactions with family, friends and peers as he or she enters adolescence. The social and emotional development of each adolescent is unique. Your child's development is shaped by a unique blend of genes, brain development, environment, interactions with family and friends, and community and culture. Your young person is building their own identity and learning to become an adult, as evidenced by their social and emotional developments. . They tried to understand who they were and what they belonged to, like culture, society. They seek an identity for themselves from their existing environment. Teenagers like to have more independence than before. I like going out with friends, traveling and enjoying their life like others. Stand up and make your own decisions and conclusions about relationships. We can see that most boys and girls at this stage are looking for responsibility. They try to be leaders. Even in competitions and school sports clubs, we can see young people beyond this age taking on responsibilities and assuming them. FindNew experiences, even if they are good or bad, are usually identified. Due to brain development, this inspires them to have risky experiences and makes them love trying new things and exploring everything that matters to them. This is the founding age of children. They practiced a set of morals and practices during this period. They ask more and more questions to clarify what is related and what is not. The social changes that are happening mainly inspire children to find new friends who match their vibe and also start communicating through social media. Here, antisocial behavior can lead to the formation of gangs. Girls and boys enjoy having opposite-sex friends and socializing knowing individual differences. For an example of social changes during adolescence, we can see children enjoy being a group, they have three or two close friends and attend the same classes and be like sisters and brothers. They are ready to hang out with a group of people. Even a child who does not speak to himself begins to be socialized. Emotional Changes During Adolescence Adolescence is often a time of emotional upheaval and pressure. As a teenager grows, he or she will experience emotional instability on a regular basis. Throughout this period, the most difficult aspect to overcome is the emotional changes that develop. This affects the growth of secondary sexual characteristics. We can see the difference between what they like to do and what they don't like. Above all, they do not like to talk about themselves because they need an identical status in society. Physical growth is unique to everyone. These variations therefore affect social status. They feel more emotions and become more emotional about situations. For example, like breaking up an affair. Younger people become more emotional and it is very difficult to overcome this situation. Sometimes they neglect their studies and are emotional towards their interests. Boys who are on weekdays are not able to do sports as well with very good energy. Sometimes girls mature early. So they are not interested in other parties and therefore do not show up. Early or late maturation can lead to imbalance in the study areas. Adolescents experience strong feelings in different situations. Here the child learns to control his emotions and express them in a mature manner. They read other emotions. In this kind of situation, they can sometimes misinterpret body language or facial expressions. Young adolescents are paying more attention to their physical appearance and changes are occurring in them. They compare their appearance with the appearance and beauty of their friends. In a class of adult and immature boys and girls, teaching would be difficult. This is mainly due to the mismatch of interests, which may attract mature girls but not immature boys. The teacher must be informed of the problems. When students find themselves in this situation, it would be impossible to teach them successfully if they were upset or anxious. Intellectual Changes During Adolescence When it comes to improving intellectual changes during adolescence, the child develops into a structured and well-integrated individual. They solve problems by researching and clarifying each point of view. They like to know the differences of others and accept the diversity of each other. Adolescents can learn to think abstractly, whereas younger people cannot. Improve their ability to generalize information. Improve the ability to understand the relationships betweensituations of varying complexity and difficulty. Adolescents will be able to process abstract concepts. Their memory and imagination have developed considerably. With the changes, they improve their decision-making skills. We can develop the ability to resolve difficulties in various situations. There is no specific age at which a person's intelligence reaches its peak. It depends on the student's current intellectual level and the type of school work. It is commonly accepted that intelligence reaches its peak. It has been found that if appropriate stimulation is provided, verbal, educational, spatial and mechanical abilities develop step by step during this adolescent age, including mechanical technical skills and spatial abilities. Rather than verbal ability, incense. We can understand the intellectual situation from these facts. Changes in students during adolescence. Physical Changes During Adolescence Among the changes that occur during adolescence, physical changes occupy an important place. Boys and girls become attractive. Internal and external changes have taken place. Height changes on average Girls reach their maximum height between 16 and 17 years old, but boys take longer than girls. Weight also changes depending on body size and shape. Additionally, the sexual organs of both sexes become mature during late adolescence. Other systems such as the digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, endocrine system and reproductive system change. Concerning the digestive system, the stomach lengthens and tabularity decreases. The length of the intestines increases. The muscles that line the inside of the stomach and the walls of the intestines thicken and become stronger. Liver weight increases. In the circulatory system, the heart develops rapidly. It becomes 12 times heavier than it was at birth around the age of 17 or 18. The length and thickness of the walls of the blood arteries become longer and thicker until they reach a mature state, similar to that of the heart. During early adolescence, the entire endocrine system is temporarily out of balance. The sexual glands begin to function. During adolescence, the skeleton stops growing. Many organs in the body become longer and more fragile than usual. Hand-eye coordination will also be better than usual. Even children's sleep patterns change as they wake up later in the morning and sleep later at night. The shoulders, back and facial glands become more active. Sometimes this can lead to skin problems such as acne. Their hair may become oilier. With all these changes, children will have their second molars by the age of 13. Many physical changes occur differently in boys and girls. Menstruation begins at puberty in girls. Girls' breasts will begin to develop. Girls' body shape changes and hips widen. Public hair will have become darker. This is the time when boys and girls realize their full physical and mental potential. Girls mature earlier than boys. Individual variations in growth have also been linked to climate, nutrition, genetics, family size, sex and other factors. The majority of height gain occurs in the legs and arms, leading to awkward posture. Some signs of adolescence may be observed. For example, the one who passes this period is attractive and his body shape, 3, 74-103.