
  • Essay / Cultural Diversity Essay - 977

    We live in the same world called Earth, but there is a different culture. There are different types of religion: Hindu, Christian, Muslim and others. People are divided according to religion but they all have red blood. In some countries, people of other religions are discriminated against by society. According to Mr. Parajuli, everything is different between Nepal and the United States, the people have different rules and cultural values. We know that people from the same country have different culture, but he comes from a very distant region. According to Mr. Parajuli At first, it was very difficult for him to adapt to the differences in weather and climate. Here in the southern region it is hot and there is a lot of humidity. According to Mr. Parajuli, due to cultural differences, he suffered the most when it came to food. He used to have a heavy meal, lunch like rice, curry, pickles and much more, but no American eats the one he eats, sandwich, hamburger and other types of food . At first it was really difficult for him, then he moved to his own apartment and now he can cook whatever he wants. Another difficulty for him was driving and the road, as driving on the right was new to him since he drove on the left in his vehicle.