
  • Essay / Distinction in Leadership and Management - 690

    A leader is someone who is in authority and tells others what to do, at least that's what I thought until the beginning of leadership 1. As and As I progressed through the course, I realized that there was more to being a leader than I ever imagined. Peter Drucker once said, “Management does things right; leadership does the right things. (Drucker, nd) This is a statement that I would never have understood, but thanks to this course, I understand it. Using the knowledge gained so far in this course on topics such as pragmatic leadership, pleasing the masses and much more, I think no one could have said it better than Peter Drucker and I will prove this rationalization. There is a thin line between leadership and management. even if they complement each other. Management involves planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, while leadership involves setting direction and aligning people. Although there is a slight difference, these two complement each other. Management is more concerned with working to implement an already existing action plan, but leadership is the office that creates the plan. The manager ensures that everyone acts in accordance with an already existing plan. Similar to the leader, the manager organizes and controls, but his office stops there. The leader is the one who creates the plan and the manager draws the action plan. The leader directs and the manager coordinates, so leadership cannot exist without management, but they are two separate offices with leadership at the helm. The four essential traits of leadership according to Jack Welch are energy, energization, edge, and execution (Krames). . These leaders demonstrate leadership every day. These four E's are not built on particular rigid tests but instead aim to make...... middle of paper...... managed differently. The distinction and similarities between management and leadership were discussed using the knowledge gained from four topics covered so far in the leadership course. Although Peter Drucker has highlighted the differences between leadership and management, it is safe to conclude that these two terms are interchangeably related.ReferencesBlackie, D. (n.d.). Doug Blackie on leadership. Retrieved from Doug Blackie's website:, PF (nd). Happy reading. Retrieved from, JA (nd). Jack Welch and the 4Es of leadership. Excerpted from What Makes a Good Leader:, D. (Director). (2007). The Great Debaters [Film].