
  • Essay / Review of Beowulf - 1831

    One being the sumptuous banquets the Danes throw in the mead hall. The great banquet after Grendel's defeat by Beowulf represents the restoration of order and harmony to Heorot. The process of rebuilding the hall, following Grendel's destruction, symbolizes the rebirth and renewal of the community. Speeches and gifts are essential parts of this society's interactions and contribute to a sense of renewed integrity and unity. Swords are another symbol worthy of recognition. There are several different famous swords used in clashes throughout Beowulf. First, when Hrothgar offers Beowulf's blade Healfdene to kill Grendel, but Beowulf forgoes the use of any weapon other than his bare hands (Liuzza 1020-1025). Second, there is Hrunting, the sword that Unferth gives to Beowulf to fight Grendel's mother (Liuzza 1455-1465). Unfortunately, Hrunting fails to do any damage to Grendel's mother, so Beowulf is forced to grab another sword from his treasure horde in the middle of their duel. Personally, I don't think the reasoning behind all this "swordplay" is simply for phallic purposes. While there is an obvious reason, the fact that Beowulf takes place in a warrior culture means that there will be an abundance of weapons available at all times. Also, the Golden Torque, the medallion