
  • Essay / How distracted driving is killing teens - 677

    A: Summary of “Distracted driving is killing more American teens.” In the fall of 2008, Ryan Didone was with four of his friends when he hit a tree with his car. He died in hospital at the age of 15. Captain Thomas Didone works at the police department and is Ryan's father. He never thought he would be one of those parents who would receive a phone call like that. If it could happen to him, it could happen to anyone. Ryan's father was with his son the day he was born, and he unfortunately had to be with his son the day he died, and he wouldn't wish that on any parent. He was an inexperienced and immature driver who drove at high speeds at night with other children. He was going too fast. Ryan caused serious trauma to the rest of the community. Every year in the United States, more than 4,000 teenagers lose their lives in car accidents. Ray La Hood says distracted driving has become an epidemic; because many teenagers sell cell phones and think that they can talk while driving the car safely, but that is not the case. Teenagers don't have brains like 25 year olds because they have never experienced driving and you are at higher risk. , when you also text.B: Discuss problems and solutions related to distracted driving. “In 2008, nearly 6,000 Americans died in crashes involving drivers who were doing something other than driving. » I find the fact that distracted driving has caused so many deaths extremely tragic, but it shouldn't surprise me. Furthermore, I tend to think that this issue has unfortunately become a more controversial issue than before. I don't think there is a specific solution to this problem - if there isn't yet - but I am convinced that eventually it will have to be found... middle of paper ......ary, I would swerve and stop the car. Another program is able to warn you if you have forgotten your seat belt. This is also a good thing, because the person would be more informed, remember it and, in the end, do it automatically. If the driver continues to ignore the sounds, the device could inform parents that the driver continues to engage in risky driving behaviors. Of course, it is an extremely effective and useful program, but personally I would not prefer it. If I drove a car with such a program, I would not feel comfortable. I would always think that maybe there was someone watching my every action and that wouldn't feel right. Texting while driving is legal in 30 states and Washington DC. In my opinion, this should be illegal in every state in America – let alone the world. Since this is a very important and serious issue, it needs to be taken more seriously..