
  • Essay / The American population: immigrants and native citizens

    The American population doubled between 1870 and 1900 while the population of cities tripled. Cities grew and developed - cities built skyscrapers growing taller with Louis Sullivan working to perfect skyscraper architecture. The first skyscraper was seen in 1855 in Chicago. Cities grew as they went from small and compact to larger, wider places where people now moved around in electric carts. Urban living became more attractive and comfortable as electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones developed. .Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essay Department stores like Macy's, New York, and Marsha Field's have expanded by offering more jobs, attracting high-class shoppers average.Increasing urbanization was accompanied by an increase in pollution - cities produced a lot of waste. Farmers recycled and fed leftovers to animals while townspeople used newly developing mail order houses - making shopping cheap and easy, forcing people to throw away things they didn't like not. There were more criminals in the cities, plus the water was unclean, waste was not collected regularly, people were unhygienic, making the cities more smelly and unsanitary. Dumbbell buildings - many people were confined in small, cramped, dark buildings with little or no sanitation and ventilation.II. The New Immigration The Old Immigration - immigrants from the British Isles, Western Europe, Germany and Scandinavia up until the 1880s, who were literate and had something to offer. Immigrants who emigrated to escape poor conditions in their country. the Baltic and Slavic peoples of southeastern Europe who immigrated in the 1880s and 1890s – mostly illiterateIII. Southern Europe uprootedEuropeans immigrated to America because of the lack of jobs due to industrialization and simply because there was no room in Europe. America provided the freedom and opportunities that other European countries lacked, making it a bragging factor. Although immigrants moved to America because it was "better than their country", they still did their best to keep their costumes and heritage alive. Many immigrants returned to Europe after working in the United States. But the new generation, the children of immigrants, were more affected by American life.IV. Reactions to New Immigration The federal government did little to help new immigrants, so they supported bosses like Boss Tweed and their pools in exchange for jobs and housing. But immigrants began to receive more support over time. Jane Addams founded Hull House in 1889, where she taught children and adults the skills and knowledge needed to survive and succeed in America. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, but her pacifism was scorned. by groups such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, who revoked its membership. Other settlement houses like Hull House include Lillian Wald's Henry Street Settlement in New York, which opened in 1893. Settlement houses became centers of women's activism and reform. , as women like Florence Kelley fought for the protection of workers and..