
  • Essay / Reflection on Religion - 705

    I have always been open and interesting in learning about new religions to see if any of them really made an impact on me. Buddhism as a religion as a whole was very intriguing. I found Buddhism to be the most unique and interesting religion we have studied so far. I really liked the concepts involved in Buddhism. I find it fascinating that anyone can be a Buddha and there is not just one god they worship. I have always hesitated to believe in a god. My mind has always been more scientifically grounded, so I always think more on the side of evolution than an actual god creating the earth. I liked that in Buddhism, we don't worship any particular god. I also like the fact that it is an individual process and that you work on yourself to achieve Nirvana. It surprised me how different this religion is from others. Although he may have similar concepts like reincarnation and dharma, he uses them in different aspects to achieve his goal; clarification. The three religions we have studied so far have given me a broader perspective and view of religion. Many concepts were really intriguing and not only increased my knowledge on these topics but also helped me create a different outlook on my personal life.