
  • Essay / Stop complaining: Same-sex marriage - 1218

    Even if marriage is declared between a man and a woman, should same-sex marriage be legal? Because they already have the right to marry and everyone has the right to marry whoever they want to marry. Paving the way for the decimation and inequality of public rights, the right to marriage between same-sex couples has become a political-religious debate based on the "fear" of causing misery to the general population. Marriage, in thirty-three states, was established to be limited only to one man and one woman. What if the problem was between the separation of church and state? And if not, is it fear that pushes the majority of the population to oppose same-sex marriage? In Arizona, remaining landlords are exercising their rights, as U.S. citizens, to refer services to homosexuals. They have the right to do so, but in doing so it has opened up a religious conflict within the state legislature. Most of these debates are open on the theme "marriage is between a man and a woman", but this is a religious belief and a public openness to the majority of the population. The minority in the debates are homosexuals, or the part of the population that does not have homophobia. Homophobia being the fear of homosexuals. And who's to say that in the near future, job searching, job applications, or acceptance of serten collages may denigrate a person because of their sexual orientation. By denying the right to marry, it opened the door to discrimination against homosexuals. The fight for this right began in 1993 before the Hawaii Supreme Court, but it failed and the subject of same-sex marriage remained on the world's back burner. political and legal until around 2004 in Massachusetts where same-sex marriage was legalized, Connec...... middle of paper ......rvices/same-sex-marriage-laws.aspx>."Arizona 'Religious Freedom' Bill Angers Gay Rights Supporters The Christian Science Monitor, February 20, 2014. Web. .Shmoop Editorial Team. 14th Amendment.” Shmoop University, Inc., November 11, 2014. Burr, Chandler. “The Atlantic Media Company,” March 19, 2014. .Halperin, David. "One Hundred Years of Homosexuality.". 2014. .