
  • Essay / Procrastination delays success - 1016

    Every student who has attended a year of school knows what it means to procrastinate; it depends on how much you let it become part of your habits. Even people who are no longer students procrastinate. It's a problem that stays with someone forever. Whether you turn in your essay when it's due, or you don't ask your boss when you can work until the day the schedule is set, you're procrastinating. Individuals guilty of procrastination struggle throughout school, work, and most importantly, achieving success. According to the Free Dictionary website, procrastination is "delaying action on something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness." In today's student world, twenty percent of these students face procrastination regularly and about ninety-five percent of us do it occasionally. A huge problem with procrastination is the temptations that surround the individual. Temptations cause one to put off the task and focus on something more exciting for us personally. Have you ever noticed that you always get more work done in a library than in your dorm room? Indeed, the environment of your work area is important. Your dorm room includes all your electronics, your roommates, and your sleep. We expose ourselves to and fall into these distractions, which prevent us from getting to what we wanted to do in the first place. I ask myself every time I find myself in this position “why be in the work mindset and ruin it with a distraction?”. It's easier to get started rather than starting, stopping and trying to start again. Along with these temptations of distractions that surround us, we can make a sort of agreement with ourselves. Be parental towards our study habits. Fooling middle of start you have to ignore the project, test, etc. and see how much you actually need to do it. Realize the importance of what is being done. After realizing this, you need to isolate yourself. If this seems difficult, put yourself in the position you know. The feeling of stress and struggle. Stand there. It may sound crazy but it works. Getting started is a difficult task, but it can be very easy if you let it. Procrastination is not something easy to overcome. Once we realize we can still get things done at the last minute, we move on. What we don't see is the fact that we put ourselves in a situation that we don't need to encounter. We need to understand what it causes and how much easier things could be without it. Procrastination causes us to have difficulty with school, work and again; the most important thing is success.