
  • Essay / Positive effects of the impact of marijuana on health: advantages

    Table of contentsIntroductionPositive effects of marijuana on our healthShort-term positive effect of marijuana on our healthLong-term positive effect of marijuana on our healthNegative effects of marijuana on our healthHow does marijuana affect the brain?ConclusionIntroductionMarijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems and seeds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains THC, a psychotropic chemical, and other similar compounds. Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. Its use is widespread among young people. In 2015, more than 11 million young adults aged 18 to 25 used marijuana. How do people use marijuana? Marijuana is used in several ways, namely: Marijuana can be smoked. It was prepared with a plain white square paper and the marijuana leaf is placed inside the paper and you use the paper to wrap the leaf and tie it. at either end will act like a filter in a cigarette. While some people put the marijuana leaf and mix it with (edible) foods, like brownies, cookies or candies, or prepare it as a tea. A recently popular method of use is smoking or eating different forms of THC-rich resins, in most cases these have been added to milk or juice. Marijuana can also be chewed like meat and other solid materials that require chewing. positive effect of marijuana on our health Marijuana has an effect on two different occasions. We have the long term and the short term. In whatever we do, we always have the merit of that thing and the demerit of the same thing. Here are the two types of effect: Long-term effect: Lower IQ (up to 8 points if prolonged use started during adolescence) Poor academic results and higher risk of dropping out of school Thought disorders and ability to learn and perform complex tasks Low life satisfaction Dependence (about 9% of adults and 17% of people who started smoking as teenagers) Potential development of opioid abuse Problems relationships, domestic violenceAntisocial behavior, including stealing money or lyingFinancial difficultiesIncreased dependence on welfareHigher chances of being unemployed or not getting a good job.Short-term effect: sexual problems in men increase the risk of strokeslow in reactionLoss of sense of personal identityincreased heart attacks short-term memory problems.Positive effects of Marijuana on our healthSince then we have been talking more about its effect. Believe me, marijuana also has a very good positive effect on our health. This part of the essay discusses the positive effects of marijuana. They range from improving quality of life to potentially treating debilitating illnesses. In the short term, cannabis can provide instant relief from a variety of conditions, such as chronic stress and pain. Short-term positive effect of marijuana on our healthRelaxationThere is nothing more pleasant than lying on the sofa with a bowl after a tiring day at work. One of the most well-known and immediate effects of marijuana is relaxation. As soon as you breathe in cannabis vapors, a flood of anti-anxiety compounds basedplants called cannabinoids pass through your blood and enter your brain. There are two main cannabinoids in cannabis that are worth mentioning. The first is the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which provides the classic cannabis “high”. The second is cannabidiol (CBD), which does not cause a high. Studies have shown that both cannabis compounds can relieve anxiety and promote a positive sense of well-being. A few minutes after smoking, you will be able to breathe a big sigh of relief and start smiling again. Creativity There's a reason why so many famous artists have smoked weed. Marijuana can make you more creative. When you smoke weed, activity in a certain part of your brain increases. This region is the frontal lobe. In fact, within 30 minutes of smoking, this region is fully activated in your brain. This is the same region of the brain that is responsible for critical thinking and creativity. Pain relief When you feel pain, your brain sends you a distress call. He shouts: “HELLO!” There is something wrong here! Fix it! You feel these cries of distress as pain because of chemical signals sent by cells, communicated by nerves, and translated by the brain. Staminal This may sound strange, but the effects of cannabis and exercise are actually quite similar. After your workout, happiness-inducing chemicals like dopamine, anandamide, and serotonin are released in the brain. These compounds make you feel good. They're the reason behind the "runner's high" and why exercise is believed to treat depression. Good food is one of life's finest simple pleasures. We think it deserves to be appreciated. The herb can transform a simple meal into a wonderful assortment of flavors and aromas. Cannabis releases excess dopamine, which gives you pleasure. It also mimics anandamide, which makes you happy and hungry. Overall, this herb makes you enjoy the experience of eating. You may also be interestedPSA Quote GeneratorPositive long-term effect of marijuana on our healthNutrientsAs neuroscientist and author Dr. Michele Ross sees it, cannabis is a vitamin herb. THC and CBD are some of the most powerful antioxidants on the market. Antioxidants are essential for reducing environmental damage to our cells. Cannabis helps by providing powerful antioxidants and limiting oxidative damage. Oxidative stress occurs when there are more harmful free radicals than positive compounds to scavenge them. Reduce the risk of diabetes The impact of cannabis on weight gain and carbohydrate metabolism is certainly interesting. But weed appears to do much more than help you look slimmer. The same study mentioned above found that cannabis users had lower fasting insulin levels than their non-using counterparts. Anti-agingAs previously mentioned, THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants protect us from DNA damage. DNA damage is one of the main reasons humans age. As we age, free radicals and environmental stressors stimulate the aging process by damaging DNA. This damage is then copied as the DNA replicates, causing subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) changes over time. These changes are expressed by aging. Negative Effects of Marijuana on Our Health The next chapter of this essay discusses the negative effects ofmarijuana. Like all good things, cannabis use comes with certain costs. As a responsible consumer, it's up to you to decide whether or not the benefits of marijuana are worth the drawbacks. This answer will vary from person to person. ParanoiaMany of us have experienced it. You smoke a little too much weed and suddenly you panic because you think you look a little too stoned in the public eye. When it comes to cannabis and anxiety, imagine an inverted bell curve on a graph. You smoke a little, your anxiety level goes down. You smoke too much of an incredibly high-THC strain, and that anxiety may return. DisorientationRemember: THC is psychoactive. When you consume activated THC, you are taking a psychoactive substance. For first-time consumers, this may seem strange. When you're disoriented, your sense of belonging and purpose can seem useless. You may feel like you're not quite living in reality or that you're watching a show from afar. This feeling can be very uncomfortable for some people. To others? The cerebral disorientation is nice. Filled with laughter, a sense of peace and a brighter view of the world. As you get used to cannabis, this disorientation lessens. Studies have even shown that regular medical marijuana users are able to drive and function more or less on par with the average non-smoking user. Others find it easier to concentrate on their work and complete their tasks.3• Up to three hours after smoking, cannabis can increase the heart rate. Your heart is most affected during the first hour after smoking weed. In fact, a Boston study found that the risk of having a heart attack is 5 times that of a non-smoker within the first hour. How does marijuana affect the brain? Marijuana has both short- and long-term effects on the brain. Short-term effects When a person smokes marijuana, THC passes quickly from the lungs into the bloodstream. The blood carries the chemical to the brain and other organs of the body. The body absorbs THC more slowly when a person eats or drinks it. In this case, they usually feel the effects after 30 minutes to 1 hour. They can also affect the brain and the patient's stars experiencing the following: altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors) altered perception of time mood changes altered body movements difficulty thinking and problem solving impaired memory hallucinations (when taken in high doses) delusions (when taken in high doses) psychosis (when taken in high doses). Marijuana also affects brain development. When people begin using marijuana as adolescents, the drug can impair thinking, memory, and learning functions and affect how the brain makes connections between areas necessary for these functions. Researchers are still studying how long marijuana's effects last and whether some changes may be permanent. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized article from our expert writers now. Get a Custom Essay Conclusion Marijuana clearly has its pros and cons, it depends on which one we consider a priority, but comparatively, it seems to have a more dangerous side. We cannot risk such a drug becoming addictive to our friends and family under the pretext of medical purposes, not in this age of technology where we have new,, 370(23), 2219-2227.