
  • Essay / Enforcement of Intellectual Property and Its Tax Consequences and...

    IntroductionCollectively, the Directors Guild of America (DGA), the International Alliance of Theatrical Employees (IATSE), the Writer's Guild of America , East and West (WGAw, WGAe) and the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) represent approximately 331,000 directors, actors, artisans, performers, technology developers, writers and others whose creativity is the beating heart of the American entertainment industry. This number does not include the almost infinite and incalculable global artists, whose intellectual property they invest heart and soul into. They are among their fellow artists who suffer daily at the hands of an infinite number of anonymous and faceless thieves. Entertainment guilds, unions and unrepresented artists are dear to all stakeholders and know the optimal way to combat intellectual property (IP) infringement. , and evaluate the enforcement efforts of the United States Government, the United Nations, and other world governments. Those who suffer the most, and those who gain the most, are those who know how best to control this global criminal enterprise. Artists welcome the “Strategic Plan” of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC), particularly his involvement in the implementation of law enforcement operations across the administration of the White House accordingly “Operation on Our Sites” and its role in facilitating best practice agreements between private parties participating in the growing online ecosystem. Its enforcement measures involve federal agencies obtaining seizure warrants, then seizing the website domain and filing charges. These efforts are bound to sustain, sustain, and grow exponentially middle of paper......ce, 2012. Web. March 17, 2014. .Van Der Sar, Ernesto. AVATAR CROWNED MOST PIRATED MOVIE OF 2010. December 20, 2010. Web. March 21, 2014. Van Lier, Danielle S. Letter to the ICANN Board. Los Angeles, June 3, 2013. Email. Viacom Int'l, Inc. v. Youtube, Inc. No. 1:07-cv-02103-LLS. 2nd Circuit. SDNY: April 18, 2013. web. March 18, 2014. .Whitman, Walt. Grass leaves. Ed. Jim Manis. College Station: Penn State University Electronic Classic Series, 1882, 2007-2013. Internet. March 17, 2014. .WTO. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. Creates the WTO. Marrakech: OMC, 1994. Web. March 19 2014. .