
  • Essay / A research on establishing a sustainable transport system

    Table of contentsSustainability of urban transportThe objective of the studyGeneral informationControlling the negative effects of car usePromoting cycling and walkingUsing a diet appropriate landAdvantages of a sustainable urban transport systemConclusion and recommendationsA city that wants to develop must take into consideration some useful ideas to promote its well-being. It is important to note that urban transportation is an essential part of the success of any city in the world. The research aims to provide key policies that can be used to promote a sustainable urban transport system. New York is a busy US city and there is an urgent need to get the policies right. Sustainable urban transportation is a necessity for all major cities around the world for several reasons. Public policies, on the other hand, play an essential role in that they sometimes determine the degree of organization of the city. For example, congestion is a problem seen in the city. The various stakeholders responsible for ensuring compliance with established urban rules and regulations regarding urban transportation should come up with strong policies ensuring sustainability. The research aims to establish a sustainable urban transportation system by proposing some useful key policies. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essaySustainability of urban transportThe aim of the studyThe main aim of the study is to provide a capable policy guidance note to guarantee a sustainable transport system. New York is a metropolitan city with the capacity to accommodate large numbers of people and there is a need for a policy agenda that can enable sustainable growth (Pojani and Stead, 2015). The policy adopted must be metropolitan and aim to promote growth and development. Since many people in cities drive cars, it is necessary to use a strategy that takes into account the effects on the environment. General Information The transportation systems in various cities are an essential part of the lives of the people staying there . This requires a sustainable transportation system for the city. New York, as a city, has implemented policies that have improved operations in the city so far. However, there is an urgent need to address the high levels of degradation we are experiencing. Car emissions represent a larger share of what we can call global warming (Focas, 2016). Such events endanger the city's environment and it is necessary for the responsible authorities to take action. To address New York City's deteriorating transportation structure, strategic measures must replace old ones. Much remains to be done to achieve a balanced transportation system in the city. A policy focused on changing people's travel behavior can help create a sustainable and balanced urban system. Sustainability means creating shorter journeys and encouraging the use of modes that use less energy. The goal is to preserve the environment and reduce expenses related to maintaining balance in the environment. There are many policies that can improve the transportation system in the city. Policies may include mitigating the harmful effects associated with mass car use, improving and promoting transportation systems used by the public, creating aenvironment conducive to walking and cycling, the use of sustainable land tenure systems, the reduction of rural exodus and decentralization. Furthermore, the implementation of different policies should be strengthened to ensure that the desired objective has been achieved. Additionally, most major cities around the world struggle to maintain a balanced system capable of supporting their city's development. Controlling the Negative Effects of Car Use There is much that can be done if the metropolitan city government decides to reduce the effects of increased car use. However, there are policies that, once implemented, can help mitigate the harmful effects of car use. The harmful effects associated with car use include traffic congestion, pollution and, worst of all, a reduction in public safety. The first reform that municipal authorities should put in place is to increase the costs associated with car use. The measure will help reduce car use, which will consequently lead to a reduced impact on the environment and the city. In areas where costs associated with car use are high, congestion is reduced as it maintains a clean and environmentally friendly atmosphere. Second, a measure to ensure a high level of automobile technology in the city is necessary. High technology in the automobile industry encourages the purchase of energy-efficient cars, which reduces emissions into the environment. Such policies will allow authorities to easily control the city's infrastructure. Other policies that can be put in place to ensure the reduction of harmful effects of car use may include the high costs of purchasing cars, severe bottlenecks that discourage the issuance of licenses by the government , city speed limits, regulation of emissions in the city and application of an energy efficiency policy. Additionally, the authority should encourage the use of fuel-efficient cars to help preserve the environment. Higher taxes for car owners is a good measure that can spearhead the success and implementation of this particular policy. Automotive-related harms should be addressed using the strategies listed in this policy. The general public should have an integrated system that recognizes the importance of reducing traffic congestion, ensuring that people reach their destinations within a short period of time. . Increased congestion in the city will only lead to delays, which can sometimes prove costly. Various measures can be put in place to ensure public transport systems improve. The integration of the different modes of transportation existing in the city is essential to help make coordination more comfortable with the aim of improving the delivery of services to the residents of New York City. Fares within metropolitan areas, public transport services and timetables are essential to ensure a sustainable transport system within the city (Okraszewska et al., 2018). In addition, the policy aims to improve transport services for the population. Regional integration of transit services and financing is a strategy that can be used in the policy implementation process. A city with an integrated transit service is characterized by the presence of a regional transit authority. Multimodal coordination is also an essential strategy to ensure that the public transport systemof the city has been improved and integrated. Additionally, fare integration and discounts within the city are sometimes important to reduce traffic congestion, depending on the time of day. The information people have about the transportation system should be uniform across the city. To reduce traffic jams, service lanes should be used for buses that can carry more than 80 people. In addition, road signs in the city should be given priority, which will allow the city to improve the safety of its motorists and pedestrians. Urban public transport can become sustainable if such policies are put in place. Major cities around the world are adopting policies that have reduced traffic congestion and encouraged the use of energy-efficient means. For example, if New York focuses on providing subsidies, better service policies, and lower prices, then the transportation system can be sustainable. Promote cycling and walking Walking and cycling are common in all parts of the world. Notably, in New York, there are people who work in offices and who sometimes have to walk the streets. This requires authorities to ensure safety and convenience when using the streets. Cycling can reduce city traffic jams, which means making them easier and more convenient can help establish a sustainable urban transportation system. Well-constructed roads and sidewalks can help reduce potential traffic congestion and increase safety for all cyclists and pedestrians (Chen, Chen, & Ewing, 2014). Accidents due to cycling by motorists can be minimized by the introduction of specific lanes that can be used by motorists. Additionally, the routes people use to walk should be paved and equipped with street lights to improve safety. The first strategy that can be applied under this policy is to ensure that people walking have adequate knowledge on the use of traffic lights. . Every city in the world currently uses traffic lights to reduce traffic jams and maintain a smooth flow of operations. Increased car use in the city has led to traffic congestion and there is a need to encourage cycling and walking. Another crucial aspect associated with cycling and walking is the fact that they do not cause or increase environmental pollution. Emissions from cycling cannot be compared to those from cars. Car emissions consist of toxic gases, which increase levels of global warming in the atmosphere. Transportation sustainability is not an easy task, especially when the city has a busy schedule. Safety, education and enforcement can include implementing cyclists' rights, educating them on the use of various traffic signs, and most importantly, enforcing federal grant policies. Use of appropriate land tenure Applying the right strategies for using existing land is a crucial element. step, which can contribute to achieving the sustainability of the transport system. For example, more mixed land use can be beneficial because it can encourage shorter trips along city-maintained transportation systems. Responsible authorities should adopt measures that can encourage diversified land use, particularly in the city's suburbs. Likewise, it is necessary for authorities to encourage less suburban sprawl in order to improve diversity. The higher population densities in the city allow them to benefit from.