
  • Essay / The Crucible, by Arthur Miller: A Test of Character

    The word crucible describes an event that involves a test or trial for someone or something. In the story The Crucible by Arthur Miller, various characters undergo a severe test of honesty, courage and kindness. Throughout the story, a series of events lead to tragedies, which force these characters to make important decisions. If chosen incorrectly, it can result in the death of another innocent person, or even themselves. These events will, however, bring out the true colors of everyone in Salem, whether they are truly good or bad. Abigail is a fitting example of someone who was harshly questioned throughout The Crucible. One of the reasons is her affair with John Proctor. This affair led to a series of acts of corruption. This is because Abigail wanted Goody Proctor dead, since she wanted John all to herself. She knew very well that if she never told these terrible lies, she would never find herself in this situation, and neither would any other innocent people. She decided to continue lying to save her skin, which proves that Abigail is selfish and will do anything to get revenge on Elizabeth for blackening her name in Salem. One characteristic that helps Abigail defy that she was dishonest was her talent for manipulating others. She decided to use this skill to condemn other innocent people, only to shift the blame to herself. She made the terrible decision to turn her back on God, confessing lies, while being falsely viewed as a hero by court officials and anyone gullible enough to believe her. For example, at the beginning of the story, she falsely confessed to seeing the devil and wrote in his book. She said she wanted to return to God and receive his light. She has deceived almost everyone by making... middle of paper...... they refuse to give up their integrity and go against God. This proves that they are much braver than Hale, because they will die before they sell their souls to the devil. Hale ends up having to live with this corruption that he allowed to happen. This proves that he wasn't very brave after all, as he barely did what was right and lost the battle of good versus evil. A crucible is a severe trial or ordeal. The story The Crucible strongly supports this definition, as almost every character in The Crucible has been tested in one way or another. That is if it was a test of character, honesty, loyalty, courage or goodness in themselves. In some cases they were tried against their will and others bore witness to evil willingly. With others, it was an inner test, to find the truth about what evil really is and not let it take over their goodness...