
  • Essay / The Problem of Bullying - 830

    Bullying is something that everyone has experienced in their life. Everyone reacts differently. Some responses to harassment are positive and others are corrupt. There are more people involved in bullying than just the bully and the victim. There are also multiple forms of bullying and it can happen anywhere and at any time. The many definitions of bullying all seem to have one thing in common. They all mention that one individual dominates another. The long-term effects of bullying can cause permanent damage to an individual. Just like adults who have repeated the cycle of child abuse, a child can also do the same when being bullied. There is always the possibility that the victims of bullying become the bullies themselves. Bullies often face challenges in their lives that influence their behavior, causing them to torment someone innocent. In fact, a child bullying because they have been bullied is a very common motive for bullying. A survey of 1,229 boys and girls asks: "Are you a victim of bullying?" ", "If yes, how often? ”, “Have you ever bullied anyone else?” » and “If yes, how often?” ". The results of this survey show that many of these students view themselves as both bullies and victims of bullying. 58% say they have never been bullied and the rest of the percentage say they have ( Why do children do this? Simply because they have been subjected to unjust cruelty at the hands of other people or family members. This long-term effect is repetition, meaning that children will do to others what is done to them, which causes permanent damage because not all children will receive help for their condition. As a result, their lives may be ruined and they may even ruin someone else's. Bullying is not just about the bully and the victim. There is also the par...... middle of paper ......uh. The effect of the bullying on her was permanent because she was very clearly able to describe what had been done to her and how painful it was that her parents thought she was weird. Blanco chose to respond to the bullying in a more powerful light. Despite her depression, she wrote her story. She was able to shake off all her years of torment and spoke to several students across the country about bullying and its power. Even during her discussions with schoolchildren, she becomes emotional and cries at the thought of what she experienced in her young and adolescent life. This shows that the long term effects of bullying can cause permanent damage because even after all of Jodee Blanco's success as a writer, she still became emotional when referencing her past and when it came time to Going to her high school reunion, she was frozen and nervous..