
  • Essay / Money and Social Inequality in Sicario and Steve Jobs

    In the changing world that Steve Jobs takes place in, audiences can clearly see the capitalist themes that flow throughout the film. Steve Jobs is a wealthy business owner who takes advantage of his social status as a white man to maintain control over his subordinates and his family. Modern capitalism caters to white men in the way that those who do not possess this social status are looked down upon as the least hardworking and threatening to the ideal of the “American Dream” (Rowe). Hollywood aligns itself with capitalist ideals by portraying Steve Jobs as the man who came from nothing and achieved the so-called "American dream", while other characters, who do not have the same social status than Jobs, are incapable of achieving social advancement. Steve Jobs' multiple scenes where Jobs' ex-girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan, repeatedly harasses him for money manifest this idea. Brennan, who is clearly lower class and struggling to get by, is presented as the "mooch" who uses their daughter, Lisa, to benefit from Job's accumulated wealth while she is cyclically struggling.