
  • Essay / What is the American Dream - 1338

    What it means to be American has been interrupted in many different ways. For some, it's all about being able to practice what they want and having freedom of expression. Others go to a deeper level of what it means. In early America, a large amount of literature was written about the country and the things it offered. Among the most influential are Jean de Crèvecoeur, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. All of them were very important for their writings in their time and they all shared one thing in common in what they expressed: they all love America. Everyone gave different reasons as to why they did it, but nonetheless, they cherished this new land just as people do today. The first to come to America were perhaps among the best at embodying the American dream. They came here not knowing what to expect, but they still came with high hopes and the desire to make something out of the situation. They were fed up with the way they were treated in Britain and now coming to America was an opportunity for a fresh start. They had the freedom to practice their own religion and live the life they wanted. The Puritans created their own culture very quickly. They set up their government and it revolved largely around their religion. Their American dream was to be able to settle down and work on what they loved without those with more power and money telling them what to do. Almost everyone who came to America at the time was not looking to make a lot of money. Instead, they came to live freely. Jean de Crèvecoeur was a Frenchman who arrived in America in 1775 and fell in love with it. He wrote a few different collections of letters and published them. His most famous paper today is not always taking advantage of his opportunities to their full potential and sometimes forgetting how blessed they are, but those who do are making something of themselves. Throughout some of the greatest American literature, the American dream has been discussed and it is ultimately up to the reader to decide. Everyone who lives here has a different opinion on what the American dream is and most will not realize it to its full potential, but this place we call home has made many great things happen, and this land has not yet finished providing. inspiration and happiness. “Until now, Americans have tolerated inequality because they thought they could change their status. They didn't mind if others were rich, as long as they also had a path to progress. The American dream is in some ways about social mobility – the idea that anyone can achieve it. » ~Fareed Zakaria