
  • Essay / Is it worth it? Can't the message wait? - 771

    Did you know that in 2011, at least 23% of car accidents involved cell phones? This represents 1.3 million accidents! (DWI) Texting while driving has become a huge problem in America today. Most people only think of teenagers with this problem when in reality, it is a problem that affects all drivers, even adults. The moment someone picks up their phone while driving, it not only affects their lives, but also the lives of other motorists on the road. This editorial photography is effective because it reaches its target audience by providing a clear message, the logos and pathetic appeals work together to achieve the goal of informing and persuading and need little background information to understand the message . The editorial photography is an image of a Church Capital Panel. The name on the sign is Christian Fellowship and the sign says "HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS, TEXT WHILE DRIVING IF YOU WANT TO MEET HIM" (Bernstein). All letters in the text are capitalized and bold black to attract people's attention. Additionally, it helps get the message across because the large print grabs your attention. (See Appendix A) The target audience would be all drivers. Most people think that only teenagers take their phones while driving. "In a survey conducted for the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 47% of adult texters admitted to sending or reading a text message while driving, compared to 34% of teen drivers." (More adults as well as teenagers) In reality, any licensed driver is just as capable of picking up their phone and getting distracted. Your attention should be focused on the road and your surroundings when you're driving, but as soon as you pick up your phone, you're distracted by the world around you. The attractions used in this photograph are logos... middle of paper. .....because it reaches its target audience by providing a clear message, logos and pathos appeals work together to achieve the goal of informing and persuading and need little background information to understand the message. Some people like me have to learn the hard way, but maybe if we keep awareness up we can save lives! Works CitedBernstein, Maurice. Photograph of Christian communion. 2013. Editorial photography. Internet. November 22, 2013. “DWI: Driving under intextication”. Editorial. Texting and driving safety. November 25, 2013. The web. December 1, 2013. “More adults than teens text while driving.” » Text’ July 10, 2010. the web. December 3, 2013.Ricks, Delthia. “Study: Texting while driving is now the leading cause of death among teen drivers.” May 8, 2013. News day. Internet. Dec 08.. 2013.