
  • Essay / The Patron Saint of the Southern Baptist Mission: Lottie Moon

    INTRODUCTIONSome people have referred to Lottie Moon as the “patron saint” of the Southern Baptist missions. Nonetheless, Lottie's legacy exemplifies the "missionary spirit" of Southern Baptists. Additionally, Lottie's impact on missions has resulted in more than $3.5 billion donated by church members to Lottie Moon's Christmas offering. Additionally, Lottie has been a model for Baptist missionary work and sacrifice for nearly 140 years. UNITED STATES. After graduation, she managed to lead schools in Kentucky and Georgia. However, God had bigger plans for Lottie. Reluctant Christians called to serve as missionaries can learn from Lottie’s example. According to Lottie, God's call to serve as a missionary in China was "clear as a bell." Lottie immediately followed God's call and arrived in Shantung, China to "go out among the millions." However, she finds herself confined in a school of forty “not very studious” children. As a result, Lottie complained that entrusting such missions to women was "the greatest folly of modern missions." Lottie pleaded that women missionaries deserved “the free opportunity to do the most important work possible.” Thus, she became a pioneer and advocate for “women’s rights within the Southern Baptist Convention.” Additionally, she had a lasting impact on "women's equality in missionary work." Lottie courageously traveled more than 10,000 square miles, visiting women and sharing the gospel in their homes and on the streets. She was the first woman in a foreign mission group to China... middle of paper ...... in foreign missions. Christians can learn from Lottie’s example by advocating for similar issues facing the Church today. Advocating for a Better Quality of Life for Missionaries Lottie's impact on mission board policy has been remarkable. She advocated that newly appointed missionaries immediately become involved in missionary work rather than waiting until they had completed their language studies. Additionally, she helped establish regular vacations for all missionaries. Lottie left a legacy that paved the way for the growth of the greatest missionary force of any evangelical or Protestant denomination. Many people who no longer support the Southern Baptist Convention happily donate to Lottie Moon's offering "because it doesn't feel like Christmas" without it. Future missionaries can learn from Lottie's example by continually looking for ways to make missions more successful and better organized..