
  • Essay / The High Cost of Acquiring a Bachelor's Degree and the Benefits of Free Tuition in America

    In the 19th century, education required a considerable amount of money that only wealthy merchants and civil servants could afford. Elementary education through high school, which we take for granted, is now free because of a law that, according to the Washington Post, only took effect in the 1890s. Today, a bachelor's degree is the new equivalent of the high school diploma of the 1890s due to the high demand in the United States for skilled, educated workers. dollars in student loans. Instead, they work minimum wage jobs, which barely cover living expenses. The United States needs free college to help people get a proper education and to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to get a quality job. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay According to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, public universities cost an average of $20,731 per year on a public campus, and up to $48,265 per year on a public campus. private campus. Minnesota high school students who leave home simply can't afford this cost, and not all families can afford to help them go to college, even with financial aid. Is it fair that a student with a 4.0 GPA from a very poor family cannot go to college while a student with a 2.6 GPA from a rich family can continue and get a college degree? This is not the case. Making college free will help disadvantaged people be able to attend college. They won't find themselves stuck making hamburgers just because they don't want to pay the cost of college. They will be able to attend college for free and access better jobs, like engineering or medical professions, that will help make our country better. They will even be able to help support their families if they are poor. There are already a few countries that offer free college education. Germany, Norway, and Finland are some of the countries listed by Investopedia that offer free college education. We wouldn't be the first to do so. We could follow their examples to make it work in our country. On top of that, CNN claims that Germany has the fourth largest economy by GDP, larger than any other country in Europe. If the German economy is the best performing in Europe, wouldn't that also help our economy? How can Germany pay for this without its economy collapsing? CNN explains that Germany pays for free college by imposing a higher income tax. We can do the same thing in America to fund college. To pay for college tuition, U.S. citizens should have a higher income tax, but only on people who attended college and those in the top 5 percent income bracket, than they attend university or not because they can afford it. he. The LA Times reported that "bachelor's degree holders earn 84 percent more...than high school graduates." If they make 84% more money, then they can easily afford a few extra dollars in income taxes. The best part of the income tax is that those who attend college pay it over the course of their lives instead of having to pay off thousands of dollars in debt over a few years. This gives them :.