
  • Essay / Global Warming Essay - 642

    In many places around the world, many things have changed the world for better and for worse, but one of the most important things that has changed the world is the global warming. Global warming is a major cause of problems not only in one part of the world, but all over the world. Some believe that global warming is happening at a very rapid rate and many others do not care about the current situation. Humans play an important role in global warming. This article will attempt to explore this very question. Global warming refers to an unequivocal and continuing increase in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system (Wikipedia 1). it was discovered a long time ago, around 1869. Global warming is mainly due to a problem of excess carbon dioxide (causes of global warming 1). Carbon dioxide (co2) is harmful to many things; a very small amount can kill a human being. Carbon dioxide survives for a long time in the atmosphere. This will not only affect our generation, but it will affect many generations and many climates after we die (Global Warming Causes 1). I think climate extremes would trigger weather chaos. Some of the main contributors to global warming are greenhouse gases, particulate matter and soot, and solar activity. There are certainly a few major causes, but there are still hundreds of others. The greenhouse effect is the process by which the absorption and emission of radiation emitted by gases in a planet's atmosphere warms its lower atmosphere and surface. It was proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and discovered in 1860 by John Tyndall. Human activity since the industrial revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the world. (Wikipedia 3). One of the first things scientists learned... middle of article ...... five global temperature records were available (causes of global warming 2). Some large-scale changes could occur abruptly over a short period of time and could also be irreversible. You want to take matters into your own hands and fix some of the things related to global warming before the effects are too bad to fix. In the future, warming of around 3 degrees Celsius could lead to increased crop yields. Here are many observed and expected environmental effects. An increase in atmospheric concentration has led to an increase in ocean acidity. Climate change is highly unpredictable and uncertain. The effects of global warming can all be avoided if they were never caused. Many people don't care about the Earth if you don't care, so how can you fix it. Global warming changes the seasons with high and low pressures. global warming may change winter to spring.