
  • Essay / Abuse in Assisted Living Facilities - 1578

    Abuse in assisted living facilities is a common problem in our society (Hamilton). There are various categories of abuse that occur in assisted living facilities: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial abuse. Examples of physical abuse would include hitting or beating seniors with an object or their hand, force-feeding them, or pulling their hands. Sexual abuse is when employees of an assisted living facility engage in sexual acts with non-consenting patients. Psychological abuse is when employees say things verbally to torment the patient. Negligence would be for the employee to fail to take care of patients, particularly by ensuring hygiene. Abandonment occurs when the patient is left to fend for themselves. Financial exploitation occurs when the patient's family pays for services that have not been covered. “Elder abuse is poised to become one of the top policing tasks of the next century,” said Paul Hodge, who investigates crimes against the elderly (Gonzalez). Since abuse occurs in assisted living facilities, state and federal governments should establish some type of punishment such as sending employees to prison. Ways to prevent elder abuse include inspecting employee criminal records, trained staff, reporting injuries, monitoring areas. which do not affect patient privacy, favoring continued family visits and staff shortages. Elder abuse should be a crime enshrined in law. Once someone has committed the act of elder abuse, they should be taken into custody to be taken to jail. Elder abuse is crucial and people need to understand that they are human beings. Financial exploitation is one of the worst abuses in assisted living facilities. All... middle of paper ... citizens, staff and patients' families (Hamilton). A bill must be mandatory and taken seriously to end abuse in assisted living facilities. As a result, abuse occurs constantly in assisted living facilities. Because abuse occurs in assisted living facilities, state and federal governments should establish regulations to inspect employees' criminal records, monitor areas that do not affect patient privacy, and promote family visits. People need to realize that seniors have emotions like everyone else and should not be mistreated in an assisted living facility. Instead, they should get help and enjoy the life they have until it's time for them to leave. If these people are constantly mistreating the elderly, law enforcement should arrest the employees. Employees should be sentenced to life in prison.