
  • Essay / Meryl Streep - 847

    There is probably no person living in the United States who does not know Meryl Streep, regardless of age. With a large and impressive number of characters played throughout her life, Meryl Streep has never failed to capture the character, captivating her audience in any film in just a few seconds. Thanks to her talent to adapt to any role, to master her accents and her own style, Meryl Streep presents herself to this day as a true American talent of her time. Earlier in her life, Meryl Streep had first-hand experience when it came to taking the stage from the very beginning. of her life, which helped her become the actress she is known today. At the age of 12, Streep enrolled in voice lessons, which helped spark her interest in the musical field as a high school student ("Streep"). A student at Bernardsville High School in New Summit, New Jersey, she had active roles in plays and musicals while in high school. Streep never viewed acting as just an interest. After high school, the actress attended an all-girls college, where she played roles in plays such as Streecar Named Desire and Miss Juliet at Vasaar. Right after, and on a three-year scholarship, she attended Yale Drama School, where she later realized how passionate she was about acting ("Zrimsek"). To launch her career, Streep had a role in a play called 27 Wagons Full of Cotton at the Phoenix Theater, which earned her her first-ever Tony Award and Drama Disk ("Zrimsek"). Already exposed to the public through her talent in stage plays, Streep landed a role in an early television series in 1977 called The Deadliest Season and in 1978 she won an Emmy for Holocaust after attracting he attention thanks to a previous role in a film called Julie. After Julia, however, the...... middle of paper......on.Columbia Pictures, 2009. Film."Streep, Meryl (1949-)." Gale Student Resources in Context. UXL Biographies, 2003. Web. February 7, % 29fulltext%24&sgHitCountType=None&inPS=true&sort=Relevance&searchType=BasicSearchForm&tabID=T001&prodId=IPS&searchId=R1¤tPosition=1&userGroupName=glen71651&docId=EJ2108102192&docType=GSRC>.Zrimsek, James. “Meryl Streep.” Gale biography in context. American Decades, 2003. Web. February 8, 2011.ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=Reference&prodId=BIC1&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE|EJ2113200737&mode=view>.