
  • Essay / Movie Analysis: She is the Man - 1221

    Throughout history, men were supposed to be more fearless than women. Thousands of years ago, men were responsible for hunting animals and protecting the family from danger. Now it is men who are responsible for earning family income and repairing all the things in the house. Even though these roles make them appear tough on the outside, they can sometimes feel vulnerable and alone on the inside, as women do. When women feel alone and upset, they usually turn to family and friends for comfort. However, men tend to repress their feelings more than women. Former Canadian President Lester Pearson once said, “Behind every successful man, there is a great woman.” » Why are women so important to men? Not only do women satisfy men's physical needs, but they also provide emotional support. However, why don't men just talk about it to their friends of the same sex? Is there a difference between male and female and same-sex friendships? From the movie "She's the Man", it is evident that men feel uncomfortable talking to other men about their personal problems; women, on the other hand, are more comfortable talking about personal problems to their friends. The movie "She's the Man" shows that men are more reluctant to express their emotions with same-sex friends than women are in a friendship. In the film, when Duke Orsino struggles with his relationship with his crush, he turns to Viola Hastings for advice that he later regrets. Viola Hastings is a girl who dressed up as a footballer in the film. Her dream is to become a footballer, but the team does not accept a female player and so she has to disguise herself as a man. As a result, she becomes a roommate with...... middle of paper ... feminine traits, such as worrying about being hurt or being touched by romantic scenes. This way, Duke and Viola would have more chances to share their feelings and, eventually, could have a more intimate relationship. It is quite possible that their relationship will rise to a different level, like a romantic relationship. Everyone needs someone to share their feelings with. However, men and women tend to find different ways and people to express their emotions. The movie "She's the Man" shows the theory that women are generally more open than men when it comes to self-disclosure. Friendship between men of the same sex is generally less intimate than friendship between women of the same sex. Accordingly, it is better for a man to have intimate friendship with people of the opposite sex to alleviate his loneliness. Most importantly, men should try to be more open.