
  • Essay / Erickson v Kohlberg - 1267

    The field of developmental psychology is always being challenged and therefore expanded. Thousands of renowned psychologists have contributed to this process, including Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg. They both left a handprint on the great and growing wall of psychology; however, they touched on very different aspects of development. Their similarities and differences help determine what gives most to the field of developmental psychology and, in doing so, to the institution of psychology as a whole. Erikson was particularly interested in the stages of life and what they were mental, emotional and physical. developments have occurred within these age groups. He described a series of developmental “tasks” or a developmental program that is followed by all humans throughout their life cycle. Tasks are ordered in sequential order and each task builds on the previous one. For example, a teenager who fails to establish a solid identity will not be able to access healthy intimacy. The stages outlined by Erikson begin with trust versus distrust, which is primarily dictated by the quality of the relationship between mother and child. If the child leaves his mother out of sight without getting angry, he is showing trust. The next task is Autonomy versus Shame. This stage involves the child learning independence or doubting their abilities. An example of autonomy at this stage would be the child who says “no” to almost everything in an attempt to make his own choices. The next stage, Initiative versus Guilt, is similar to the previous one. It is characterized by the fact that the child tries to formulate and carry out plans or feels guilty for having tried to establish his independence. Erikson's next step, Industry...... middle of paper ......accomplished candidate. Although morality plays an important role in everyday life, it is only a small footnote in the broad spectrum of developmental psychology. Erikson did the field a greater service because he developed a more thorough, thoughtful, and relevant theory. His theory also has more utility than Kohlberg's. Erikson's theory can be applied to parenting, counseling, education and much more. Of course, both psychologists have greatly shaped the modern view of development, and they both deserve the greatest respect for their achievements and accomplishments in the field of developmental psychology. Their work has helped educate people around the world about the need for fundamental trust, a sense of identity and morality. Many psychologists before them emphasized the necessity of work and love, but Erikson and Kohlberg delved deeper and showed people why they are the way they are..