
  • Essay / Trying to Find Your True Self in Fly Away Peter

    Jim's search for identity throughout the novel Fly Away Peter by David Malouf is depicted largely through his actions and interactions with others, as well only through his thoughts and interests. One of the strongest depictions of this search is seen when he travels to Brisbane, where he finds himself drawn into the excitement of war and the reader sees in him what he calls "an alternative" ( 39) or a new “stable and stable”. of course” (39) side itself. He later reflects on the war and "all that action" (41), thinking to himself, "Maybe it concerned him, maybe it didn't concern him." Much of what a man was existed within and was known only to himself” (41). This can be seen as a turning point for Jim, as here we can see that he recognizes that he must create his own identity. Despite this, he will later think: “Nothing has changed” (41); however, shortly after, the reader sees him “stroking his upper lip, where for two days he had been nursing the beginnings of a mustache” (43), a sure sign that he was beginning to forge or find his own identity. The identity of the characters in Fly Away Peter} is very important in the overall search for meaning or purpose in life, because it is their identity that defines who they are and what they are meant to do. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned"?Get the original essay Jim's interactions with those who seem to have found and defined their identity are a key element in his own search for identity. His relationship with Ashley is a very striking example of this, as it is one in which class distinction and social status are defined while simultaneously being neglected. Much of the novel's early chapters are devoted to defining the relationship between Jim and Ashley. Ashley is depicted as "an English gentleman" (9), as shown by descriptions of his clothing, his "fancy accent" (6), and his general mannerisms. The reader sees a big difference between Ashley and Jim, who can be considered polar opposites. However, upon their first meeting, Jim is described as "[making] no attempt to... recognize any difference between Ashley and himself, except that one was on horseback and the other had both feet firmly planted on the horse." earth” (15). Although this is a physical description, it can also be seen as a metaphor for the class distinction between the two: Jim recognizes Ashley as belonging to a higher class and yet also sees him as "a man to whom he could speak” (4), one with interests and goals similar to his own. This definition of Jim's situation in life and the people he can relate to is very important in his attempt to define his own identity. The reader can identify with this quest for identity that everyone must face at one point or another in their lives; this creates depth in the novel and brings to life not just a simple story, but a depiction of the search for purpose and identity, which has universal significance. Jim's desire to "be part of something bigger than himself" is part of his search for identity or purpose in life and ultimately leads him to war. Throughout the novel, Jim is considered an "outsider": he does not participate in the excitement aroused by the announcement of the war and his "map" of the world around him makes him seem detached from what he observes. However, we can also see that Jim wants to be part of something bigger than himself. This is first seen when Ashleycreates his “sanctuary”: Jim describes it as “not just work but work, years, a life” (19). His sense of being part of something bigger is also evident when he tells Imogen about the sanctuary: "A week later, Jim told her about the sanctuary, actually using the word out loud for the first time, because he was now certain that there was a sanctuary. there was nothing in her that could make fun of her greatness” (29). Jim's desire to be part of something bigger manifests itself again when he talks or thinks about the war. On his first day in Brisbane, hearing about the war and seeing the excitement, he " if the land before him, which only a few minutes ago stretched toward a clear future, was was suddenly tilted towards Europe, towards Europe. events” (37). This desire is echoed later when he “felt the ground tilt, as he had felt that first day in Brisbane, toward where the war was” (56). This depiction of the war as “something bigger” is also found in Jim's first description of the war: “others were involved. Several thousand. And they were pretty ordinary people like him” (59). Jim's desire to be part of something bigger can be seen as part of his search for his place and purpose in the world around him. The war is simply an opportunity for him to discover who he is and contribute more than he otherwise could. Jim's curiosity or desire to know more about the world around him, particularly as represented by birds, leads him to attempt to discern his own place within it. His keen observations allow the reader to discover more about his progress in this discernment. Birds hold a special place in Jim's consciousness and this can be seen as representative of his curiosity about the unknown. An example of this is when Jim marvels at a sandpiper's ability to travel the world, "seeing clearly the space between the two points and knowing that the distance, however great, could most certainly be covered in a second times... The This idea made Jim dizzy” (21). Jim's interest in everything he sees around him shows his attempt to understand the world around him and his own purpose or place in it; this gives depth to his seemingly simple yet complicated character, a depth that the reader observes, creating more than just a story. The theme of continuity almost runs counter to the search for purpose or meaning in life; however, it allows the reader to identify with this search and to identify with the characters who undertake it. The continuity of life is seen through a variety of different motifs and symbols throughout the novel. Birds are a very important motif; they continue to talk about their lives and their usual patterns despite what happens to the characters in the novel. This is highlighted when Jim goes to war when he states, "They didn't talk about Jim's job." It was not made clear whether the position would be there for him upon his return. The birds could wait. For them, duration was more or less infinite” (57). An important symbol of the continuity of life is that of the surfer seen by Imogen towards the end of the novel: “the youth was still there, arms outstretched, riding... Everything has changed. The past would not and could not be held” (142). This acceptance of the continuation of life, despite the death not only of Jim, but of so many others, is a striking presentation of the continuity of life. The continuation of events in nature and the rest of the world -- despite the..