
  • Essay / Impact of Teenage Pregnancy on Mother and Child: An Explanation

    Table of ContentsEffects of Graduation Rates and StatisticsDivorceEffects on Child and Family of Teenage MotherTeenage Pregnancy. You hear about it but never really think it could be you until it is you, your life is about to turn completely upside down. Your life changes, as does the life of the child who hasn't even been born yet. Most teen mothers aren't ready to graduate from high school, let alone raise a child. Think about it, the child enters a world of complete chaos, perhaps without a father, the mother is not ready, and perhaps without even meeting the person who carried you for 9 months and enters directly into the adoption system. Maybe the child will be loved more than he could have been with his biological mother, maybe he won't be loved. Both mother and child will live their lives knowing that there is someone they have never met. On the other side, there are also teenage moms living their best life with their baby and a happy family. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay For example, this is Emily, she was 17 and just starting her senior year of high school when she got pregnant. She and her boyfriend had been together for about a year. She was very involved in her school, she played the flute and was captain of her school's dance team. She was also very involved in dance classes and even Hannah 2 taught her own classes in her studio outside of school. When Emily found out she was pregnant, fear was the biggest thing she felt, but she also felt a strange calm as a teenage mother. Telling his parents was also one of his biggest fears and what scared him the most. Of course, she was nervous about how she would care for a child and how her life would change from what she had planned. On the other hand, her boyfriend had big plans: going to college with Emily and one day marrying her, but this was about to change everything. Has she considered not keeping the child? No, she never thought that because she was adopted herself, she didn't want to do that to her child. Emily knew from the beginning that she would raise the child. She made it through her senior year and a week before her baby turned one, Emily and her boyfriend ended up getting married. At the time, they were both full-time students, working and trying to raise a little girl. A little over a year ago, Emily and her boyfriend ended up getting divorced. She eventually remarried when her daughter was around three years old and had another child shortly after. Now, when she's not taking care of children, she works on her own photography business. Despite all this, she is still doing well in life and has a happy marriage with four children when asked if she has any advice that teen moms could apply to their lives. , she said: “Don't get lost in Hannah 3 the negative but choose to find the positive. » Effects of Graduation Rates and Statistics Thirty percent of all teenage girls drop out of high school due to teen pregnancy. Less than 2% of teen mothers complete college by age 30. Teen mothers who have a child while attending community college are 65% less likely to graduate. That being said, most teen moms struggle to find a joband starting a career because they don't have a college degree or even a high school diploma and they also need someone to watch their baby, so you will have to pay to have someone. looking after your child while having money problems. “About 77 percent of teenage pregnancies are unplanned, 61 percent end in birth of the child, 15 percent in miscarriage and 25 percent in abortion of the mother.” “The adolescent birth rate also decreased by 2% between 1999 and 2000 (from 48.8 to 47.7 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19). The 2000 rate was 5% lower than in 1986 and 23% lower than the record rate of 61.8 births per 1,000 women reached in 1991. The teenage abortion rate in 2000 was 24.0 per 1,000 women. 1,000 women ages 15 to 19, about 3 percent lower than the 1999 rate of 24.7 per 1,000. From Hannah 4 From 1986 to 2000, the abortion rate fell 43 percent; over the same period, the proportion of teenage pregnancies ending in abortion fell from 46% to 33%, a drop of more than a quarter (27%). Divorce Eight out of ten teenage fathers do not marry the mother of their child. child. Most people who marry before age 18 are more likely to divorce within the first 10 years of marriage. Additionally, getting married as a teen parent makes the divorce rate even higher with the stress of having a child, while trying to grow up. and not being mature, also trying to be financially stable to support yourself and your current family, you will work so much that you will not spend the time necessary to have a successful marriage, depending on pregnancy rates and of teenage divorce, men and women who marry as teenagers are more likely to divorce than couples over the age of 25. Only 24% of marriages end in divorce after 25 years. Over the past 25 years, the teenage pregnancy rate has fallen from 117.6 percent of pregnancies to 43.3 percent due to adolescents' decisions to wait until they are married to have sex and also the number of effective contraceptives used by adolescent girls. Hannah 5 This is because many schools take an abstinence-only approach when teaching sex education, but an important part of prevention is having an active parent. “A sexually active adolescent who is not using contraceptives has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year.” Effects on the Teenage Mother's Child and Family Many people just think that the mother's life is affected, but have you thought about it? the child? “At the family level, adolescents whose mothers gave birth as teenagers and/or whose mothers have only a high school diploma are more likely to have a baby before the age of 20 than adolescents whose mothers were older when they were born or who attended at least some college. Having lived with both biological parents at age 14 is associated with a lower risk of giving birth in adolescence.” The child of a teenage mother is also more likely to have more health problems and face unemployment as an adult because he or she may perform worse in school, leading to an increase in the rate school dropout. “According to teen pregnancy and divorce statistics from the CDC, teen pregnancies are more likely to occur in families where the parents are divorced. Unfortunately, teenage mothers who marry young and eventually divorce are also more likely.