
  • Essay / Border Culture - 1463

    Traditions are passed down from generation to generation in every culture. The border between the United States and Mexico is made up of many customs that have existed for hundreds of years. This essay examines José Pablo Villalobos and Juan Carlos Ramirez-Pimiento's essay "Corridos et la pura verdad: Myths and realities of the Mexican ballad" which discusses the corrido. Chapter Six, “Everyday Border Heroes” from the book Dry Place by Patricia L. Price which illustrates the reasons for devotion to unofficial saints. Additionally, this essay reviews five of the twenty myths that Aviva Chomsky confronts in her book “They're Taking Our Jobs!” ". In the essay “Corridos and the Pura Verdad: Myths and Realities of the Mexican Ballad,” Villalobos and Ramirez-Pimiento discuss the Mexican Corrido, the issues it relates to, and its relevance to border culture. The issues to which the corrido relates involve the question of whether the descriptive verses of the ballads are factual or fictional. The corrido is relevant to border culture because many of the subjects are drug dealers seen as heroes. Villalobos and Ramirez-Pimiento explain that "the MEXICAN CORRIDO, or ballad, has been generally described as a cultural form that records events and topics that state-controlled records do not cover" (Villalobos, 129). Many people wonder whether these events are accurately recorded in history books and state-controlled documents. As an example, the authors tell the story of Hector Felix Miranda also known as “El 'Gato' Felix” (Villalobos, 133). According to Enrique Franco's forbidden corrido, Hector was killed in " a simple attempt to silence the voice of the people..." (Villalobos, 131-132). The second corrido the authors discuss is narcocorr...... middle of article ...... the fact that "although only 10 percent of what an average immigrant earns here, the money sent home represents 50 to 80 percent of household income for those staying at home in Latin America. Ninety percent of immigrants' wages are spent in this country” (Chomsky, 46). Chomsky is able to refute the five myths expressed in the book by finding flaws in the arguments for these myths and giving examples showing that the opposite is true such as the relationship between immigrants and the economy. The Corrido, devotion to the saints, and immigration all thrive on the U.S.-Mexico border. The Corrido reminds each generation that it has a voice. Loyalty to unofficial saints gives each generation hope that circumstances will go their way. Additionally, exposing immigration myths could offer the next generation a chance at a better way of life..