
  • Essay / Decomposition Fluids Test - 532

    6) Bacterial Content of Tissues: The newborn putrefies slowly because there are few bacteria in its body. Even bodies dying from infectious diseases, e.g. infected wounds, septicemia... etc., putrefaction is accelerated. If decomposition has set in, immediately refrigerating the body does not necessarily stop decomposition completely. Putrefaction in Water: When a corpse is submerged underwater, putrefaction will occur slowly (most putrefactive organisms are aerobic), but when flotation of the corpse occurs, parts exposed to air will putrefy quickly due to excessive tissue hydration. Flotation of corpses is caused by the accumulation of putrefactive gases under the skin and inside body cavities. Factors affecting the flotation of submerged bodies:1. The depth to which the body sinks: The deeper it sinks, the colder the water and the less putrefaction occurs.2. Type of water: In fresh water, putrefaction is faster than in sea water.3. Bacterial content of water: bodies drowned in dirty stagnant water putrefy more quickly than those drowned in clean flow.