
  • Essay / Issues of Women in the Media in Miss Representation, a documentary by Jennifer Siebel Newsom

    The documentary Miss Representation taught me more about the issues of women in the media as well as the challenges they face in them- themselves and on the part of men. As a student trying to enter the PR and entertainment industry, I felt like this film helped in understanding how women are perceived and how the media plays an important role. “Content shapes us and impacts us. » (Newsom, 2011) Because the media are seen as messengers, their content teaches many people what they have to offer and some take these views as reality. Through advertising, television and social media platforms, women with unattainable beauty ideals are presented to women/girls who may be considered vulnerable. What you can see creates this mindset of “what you believe, you can do” and it is important for women to understand that the women they see in advertisements are not “real” most of them. time. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay One step I would take, to change the way the media portrays women and girls, would be to educate others about the way they are represented and the challenges they face. I think it's hard to pick just one way to change media representation, because they (men) have been doing it for years, it sells and it's something they're used to. “Male journalists represent 63% of signatures in the written press, on the Internet and in electronic media. » Having women of diverse backgrounds in high positions can help present women in a better light, as they can bring some perspective to the table. Educating younger people, whether through a documentary like this or other means, such as social media posts or events where women speak out about their experiences through media, can help humanize them while getting the message across to young adolescents, men and women. female. Although it is difficult to completely stop the unrealistic portrayal of women and girls in the media, I feel it is important to at least be informed of the facts and know more than what the media tries to tell you sell or tell you. I agree with the message of the documentary, such as the issues of empowerment of other women, how people 40 or older are not portrayed properly and how boys/men are taught dominant behavior, I felt like another representation of women was missing. A few Asians, African Americans, Indians, and a few Hispanics were interviewed, but mostly they were white women. It's important to include how the media perceives women, but I wanted to see how they portray women of color in particular. Being a female minority in the media is an important aspect not only for representation, but also for giving that feeling of “belonging”. Understanding that there is someone on screen or in an advert that a young woman can relate to allows her to feel included in a society filled with a European standard of beauty. “As a result, the internalization of racialized beauty standards can be perpetuated in a lifelong, intergenerational culture of self-hatred. » (Hunter, 1998) I had the impression that the way the documentary.