
  • Essay / Research on the balance between work and private life in...

    The aim of this research work is to compare the effects on the social life of an individual who works 6 days a week and a second who works 5 days a week. . The topic, chosen as mentioned above, is a personal practical experience of my work colleagues and friends working in other organizations. The basic concept for researching this topic is to identify the effects of 6 days of work per week (9am - 6pm) in the life of an individual (male and female). The observation shows that working six days a week affects the social life of individuals who work 6 days a week compared to individuals who work 5 days a week. There are many factors and problems based on which differentiation can be made between 6 day workers and 5 day workers of social life, usually the observation includes problems that arise after long hours and days of work, some are like psychological effects, frustration, poor health, less time for self, family and friends, effect on leisure activities and household task, absence or costly domestic help in housework, dissatisfaction , etc. Normally in Pakistan, one member of the family earns and the rest of the family depends on their income to meet their needs. Father, brother, husband, wife, etc. work long hours, mostly 6 days a week, and do not find enough time to spend with themselves and their family, or to take part in family affairs or accomplish the other things they have to do. eventually want to do it, it creates a lot of problems and disrupts their social life. Pakistanis are poor, their incomes are low, their working hours and days are long, and health and safety standards are not met. Working conditions differ for both 6-day and 5-day workers, who make up...... middle of paper ...... Cooper, CL (1997). Health and safety issues associated with long working hours: a review of the current situation. Occupational and environmental medicine, 54, 367-375. Voydanoff, P. (2002). Links between the work-family interface and work, family, and individual outcomes – an integrative model. Journal of Family Issues, Vol 23, pp 138-164. Wallace, J.E. (1999). Work-non-work conflicts between married lawyers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 797-816. Westman, M., Eden, D. and Shirom, A. (1985). Work stress, smoking and smoking cessation: the conditioning effects of peer support. Social Science and Medicine, 20, 637-644. White J. and Beswick J. (2003). Work long hours. Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL/2003/02), Sheffield, S#7HQWork-life balance. Retrieved March 10, 2010 from World Wide Web: