
  • Essay / Disengagement Theory - 745

    This theory opposes the very notion that advancing age and approaching death result in a disengagement from active participation in life. This demonstrates that the resulting growth can be accompanied by greater life satisfaction (Tenenbaum-Precel, 2011). This conceptualization of aging can be reconciled with Erikson's (1963) hypothesis that successful resolution of this late-life crisis will lead to acceptance and, ultimately, greater life satisfaction, thereby leading to integrity . It is also a theory that accords with the evolution of psychology towards a view that old age is an exciting and invigorating time in a person's life and that happiness and contentment are at the heart of old age. (Compton and Hoffman, 2013). . Several changes occur when older adults move toward gerotranscendence. With changes on the cosmic level, this perhaps best sums up what Erikson meant by the realization of the ego.