
  • Essay / Cell Phone Danger Rating

    I believe cell phones are dangerous. They pose a threat to the safety, family life, social behavior and attention of people on the road. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original EssayIn today's society, cell phones are common among everyone, all genders and all ages. Every year, more and more children receive cell phones from their parents, and the average age at which children receive cell phones is getting lower and lower. As teens begin driving, cell phones pose an even greater threat to safety. Some teens simply can't resist the temptation of texting while driving, despite various movements aimed at preventing this activity. However, adolescents are not the only ones at risk. People of all ages check emails, make phone calls, and send text messages while driving. Every year, the number of deaths caused by cell phone use while driving increases. When is enough? When will it be mandatory to turn off your cell phone while driving? Sure, fines are imposed, but that doesn't seem to stop people from putting themselves and others at risk. Additionally, cell phone use poses a threat to the family. Children and adults are constantly on the phone, which interferes with family life. Dinner time is no longer a sacred time for families to sit down and discuss the important things in their lives. Now phones are part of the story: one child plays a game, another texts a friend, and parents check email. How can parents have important discussions with their children if everyone is absorbed in their cell phones? Social behavior also suffers from cell phone use. We no longer communicate like we used to. Breakups happen over text and bullying happens the same way. People no longer need to talk to each other because they can distract themselves with the latest game. Our society has become one of people with their noses buried in digital devices. Interpersonal interactions are limited by apps that let you order a fat-free chai latte without saying a word to the barista. When will it become completely normal for people to only communicate with their cell phones? How much longer before we rely solely on our phones for company? Finally, attention deficit disorder is at an all-time high and I believe devices like cell phones are to blame. From the age of two or three, children start playing on their parents' cell phones. They get used to touching something and getting an instant, colorful result. It's instant gratification at its worst. This behavior becomes a major problem later in life, when they are in primary and secondary school and they cannot concentrate on reading a history book because it does not make them feel any better. colorful and fun. Keep in mind: This is just a sample.Get a custom paper from our expert writers now.Get a custom essayIn conclusion, I believe that cell phones are dangerous, not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and socially. Limits should be placed on the use of cell phones and, more importantly, they should be banned in cars., 59(1), 17-33.