
  • Essay / A study of eating disorders in Judaism and the impact of patriarchal values ​​and pressures

    Many religious celebrations and rituals in Judaism are centered and revolve around food and eating in as a community. Throughout the year, Jewish celebrations provide time for family and friends to come together and experience these holidays together. Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Tu Bishvat, Passover/Pesach, and Tisha B'Av are just a few of the few holidays that include major food feasts and community celebrations. Differences in recipes and ingredients depend on cultural heritage and customs, but pious meals generally remain the same throughout Judaism. The term “Kashrut” refers to a set of Jewish religious laws relating to food that are consistent with the standards and requirements of Halacha. Lay people are most familiar with the word kosher. Tedious preparation processes help ensure that foods comply with Jewish law and are suitable for ritual/communal use. Some details and rules involved are: all blood must be drained from meat and poultry before being consumed, meat cannot be eaten with dairy products, and grape products made by non -Jews cannot be consumed (Judiasm101). Say no to plagiarism. . Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essayThe importance and emphasis on the strict regime implied by religious tradition inevitably intersects and merges with deep expectations psychological and societal that are imposed on us throughout our lives. our lives. In author Joanna Woolway Grenfell's article, "Religion and Eating Disorder: Towards Understanding a Neglected Perspective," she looks at the manifestations of mental illness in the form of eating disorders as the combination of identity and Cultural norms can cause vulnerable young women in faith systems. . “It is clear from work in the secular disciplines of sociology and psychology that many women have a difficult relationship with food and that society's concerns about eating and body image suggest that there is unresolved questions in Western society about the changing roles of women at home and in the workplace” (Grenfell 368) – but what happens when religion comes into play in these problematic ideologies on the body and diet? Patriarchal values ​​and the submissive nature of the roles women typically play in religion make women particularly susceptible to the negative pressures of eating disorders. In a scientific case study by four United States physicians and the American Psychological Association, 301 Jewish women of diverse backgrounds, heights, weights and ages from the New York area were given a series of questionnaires relating to attitudes food. and behaviors. The study aimed to explore the association between religious orientation and erectile dysfunction symptomatology among a pooled sample of predominantly Orthodox Jewish women. In the collective analysis of the results, they found higher rates of eating disorders among Jewish women than among their non-Jewish counterparts. The distinction between different sects of Judaism is important in examining my hypothesis that societal and interreligious norms specifically and negatively affect Jewish women. “The intrinsic-extrinsic religious distinction is particularlyrelevant in a community where extreme attention to outward appearance and behavior is often confused with religious obligation. » (Weinberger-Litman 273). Although Judaism can be divided into several sects, just like many other religions, the main denominations emphasized are Ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. Ranging from the more traditional and literal in the sense of following Scripture to the letter, observing the Sabbath on Saturdays and keeping kosher to the more liberal which tends to reject the binding authority that rabbinic Judaism appears to have over Conservative and Orthodox congregations (roots Jews). In Revealing Religion by CynthiaEller, we have the opportunity to learn more about the importance of scripture and the canon. In the Myth and Scripture module, he introduces us, the readers, to the Torah, which is one of the main literary tenets of Judaism and is surrounded by controversy as it is known that women are forbidden to read or read it. recite. The term Haredi is a word of Hebrew origin used to identify the most extremist Orthodox Jews, most of whom consider themselves the most "religiously authentic" group. In a scientific review and study by Marjorie C. Feinson, PhD, titled “Eating Disorders and Religious Observance: A Focus on Ultra-Orthodox Jews in an Adult Community Study,” she focuses on how Haredi women are affected by a heavy diet. practices and neglecting secular media and societal norms. Feinson takes into account the responsibilities of these women, such as preparing food and being able to single-handedly provide food for typically large families: "In Israel, a third (33.7%) of families ultra-Orthodox have six or more children compared to 3.4% of secular families. Ms. Geula, an interviewee in the Feinson study, perfectly describes the stress and anxiety these tasks create for a seemingly simplistic task of eating: "Every holiday is all about food, it's murder . I am very religious and have 13 children and grandchildren on the way. Sometimes it's better and sometimes it's worse. I get angry because I have to be in the kitchen a lot. this is not an isolated incident. In a blog post titled “Does Orthodox Jewish Life Promote Eating Disorders in Women?” ” by Julia Duin, a Washington Times writer, she focuses on the societal pressure Jewish women face during the stages of their lives, from childhood to senior living. Girls are first exposed from a young age by being indoctrinated into the high standards expected of their mothers, mentioning how these mothers have a "sylph-like figure" with "sparkling clean houses". The combination of the pressure of being an attractive, thin woman, having to be a "good" housewife, and the extreme importance placed on food in Jewish culture only perpetuates eating disorders. Jewish women are instilled with these patriarchal judgments as soon as they are considered sensual beings. Preparing and grooming their future husbands for marriage only adds to the list of concerns that young girls are forcibly assigned to. "In some cases, the groom's family not only wants to know the girl's dress size, but also her mother's dress size, so they can project what the bride-to-be will look like in 18 years." (Duin). Natural aspects of life that should be celebrated and enjoyed, like sexuality, social experimentation, and body positivity, are now controlled by.