
  • Essay / Treatment of Women in The Odyssey and Today - 1072

    Throughout history, society had stereotypes about women, making it simply impossible for a woman to achieve her goals and objectives. desires in life. This had not seen them as equals and, for this, different standards of life had been imposed on them. In modern times and in ancient Greek times, women have always been treated as second best by biased men, although today's society has begun to understand this inequality better as time has gone by. advance. Even though society is becoming more equal for women, they are still treated the same way as they were during the time of the Ancient Greeks. Women still don't have as much power as men, are still "blamed" for their bad actions and seen as untrustworthy, and are still used as "currency" or exploited. Around the world, women are beginning to gain more political influence. power and can have other jobs and other rights, but this has only recently been realized because women have always been second choice. For starters, women were technically considered “slaves” or just above the standards of a slave. A woman's primary purpose was to cook, clean, raise a family, and have sex or sometimes be raped, to satisfy a man's needs. In Greece, they were considered a man's object or property and did not enjoy full rights, and in America, women only had "full" rights just fifty years ago. Additionally, for women in power today or those who wish to be in power, it is still difficult to get people to vote for them because people think that voting for a woman over a man is different from the norm. In the 2008 presidential election, Hillary Clinton ran against Barack Obama for the Democratic Party nomination, and it seemed the country was more prepared for the possibility of a bla...... middle of paper......this unspeakable thing, act like they are the gods and know they can get away with anything. Men saw women as slaves or property, and once they had one, they owned her in their eyes. The fact that women use their bodies as currency has not changed, nor has men's perception that they are just property. While modern society began to create complete equality between genders and races, women were still considered second best, below their peers. man. As women today, like women in ancient times, still do not have as much power as men, they are accused of bad deeds and are not trusted, and their bodies are used as currency by men or is exploited. Hopefully, as the future moves forward, these issues will be resolved and not persist for generations to come. Works Cited Homer, Robert Fagles (translator), The Odyssey. Bridge edge, 1997