
  • Essay / Coincidences in A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

    In A Tale of two cities, Dickens uses coincidences throughout the novel. He does this to drive the plot and grab the reader's attention. He includes these coincidences in very strategic methods that strengthen the overall plot of A Tale of Two Cities and connect the characters together. It is a very controversial topic whether coincidences strengthen or weaken the plot. It has been determined that the outcome actually depends on how the author chooses to include such coincidences. I believe that Dickens's style in A Tale of Two Cities is extremely appropriate for including coincidences. Dickens's writing style is complex and extremely intelligent. The reader must be fully engaged in reading to be able to understand what is happening in the plot. Choosing this style of writing poses many challenges for the author. The author should include heavy details, interesting events, or something that compels the reader to continue reading with intense interest. This is exactly what Dickens did when he chose to include and rely so heavily on coincidences in his novel. Dickens believed in interrelationships and connections between people. In A Tale of Two Cities, the similar appearances and relationships between characters provide examples of coincidences that strengthen the overall plot. Very early in A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Darnay is tried and sentenced to death as follows: “He will be dragged on a rack to be half-hanged, then he will be taken apart and cut before his own face, then his entrails will be torn out and burned while he looks, then his head will be cut off and he will be cut into quarters” (page 45). The entire audience was assured that Darnay would be put to death until they saw Carton "Something... in the middle of a paper... full of coincidences." This adds character to A Tale of Two Cities and makes it an even more interesting novel. If you read a novel in which a young girl marries a young man, it would be quite boring and mind-numbing. Now suppose that this girl's father had been in prison for eighteen years and separated from his little daughter and his wife. Five years before this young girl got married, her father was found and brought back to life. And then we discover that the young man she is going to marry happens to be the nephew of the evil and selfish Marquis, responsible for her father's imprisonment. The story is now much more complex and worth reading. The characters are all connected in one way or another, unbeknownst to them. Each of these characters has caused huge changes in another's life, some for the better and some for the worse..