
  • Essay / How should the teacher be in terms of preparation,...

    Preparation is important¿How should the teacher be in terms of preparation, academic training and personality to be in charge of 'an English lesson?The ideal classroom is any teacher's dream. It's like we want to know the magic secret to making everyone love attending a class. There are requirements, techniques, methods and exercises to take into account to make a course that everyone would say: this is the course I will never forget. The preparation of the teacher is essential for this purpose but is not the only factor in making a good lesson. Although preparation and the ability to teach creatively are the key elements that could give us the desired magic wand to achieve a superb English course, it depends not only on these two elements, but above all on the strong desire of the student of his own learning. there are many people studying at the moment, some are happy, some are not so happy, some are commenting saying: this is a good course, some are saying this is not a good course course. We complain a lot about why students are poorly prepared. The first thing that comes to mind is to place the blame on the shoulders of the teacher. Recent test reports show that students are not performing well. Someone must be responsible for this, and guess what; teachers are the best option to be considered the root cause of student failure; this would be the explanation for why students do poorly on tests and other assignments. Test scores should be good if students receive the right lessons in the right environment, with the right attitude and most importantly with the ideal class and the ideal teacher. Research helps us better understand what is behind all these facts. ¿what makes a person decide...... middle of paper......edge. Even if we do not have the desired characteristics of an ideal class, anyone with a strong will could go beyond those in classes that possess these characteristics.Bibliography.Educación, ITESM Universidad Virtual Maestría en Education. (1998). Teachers as creators. Obtained from, MC (sf). TEACHING TRAINING FOR TEACHERS. Obtained from the University of Cienfuegos, Cuba:, P. (2004). Learn new skills. Obtained from, D. (2007). educational thought. Obtenido de MEJORANDO LA TRAINING Y EL DESARROLLO: