
  • Essay / The importance of privacy and net neutrality for Internet users in the modern era

    As e-commerce gains ground in our modern world, privacy and anonymity of Internet are essential for Internet users. Contemporary society is full of free Internet services because it believes that the Internet is the solution for the future. We all own cell phones, shop online and use credit cards. However, the companies and governments that control online surveillance do much more than store information. Every time we use the Internet, we expect net neutrality; not be interfered with while carrying out our online activities on the Internet. Net neutrality guarantees our right to communicate freely on the Internet. Therefore, privacy on the Internet is paramount and the access rights of Internet users must be respected by the government and the business sector. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay According to Techopedia, Internet privacy is the protection provided for data posted online by individuals via the Internet. Net neutrality, on the other hand, is an Internet principle that prevents Internet service providers from influencing communication over the Internet. Internet service providers are mandated to provide seamless and unrestricted communication to Internet users, in accordance with the principle of Net neutrality. However, last week the FCC voted on net neutrality, a move seen as a plan to kill net neutrality. The move, however, came in for heavy criticism, with the majority of those opposing it calling for existing net neutrality laws to be maintained. Internet users resentfully admitted that online surveillance by governments and corporations is a normal part of life. Internet users in the United States are less protected than in other countries (Mineo, Np). Congress recently voted to authorize the collection and sale of customer browsing data. According to security expert Schneier (2017), the USA Freedom Act had little impact on how the government collected data. “NSA data collection has not changed; the laws limiting what the NSA can do have not changed; the technology that allows them to do it has not changed” (Mineo, Np). According to Schneier, Edward Snowden's revelations about the government's surveillance plan informed the public what was happening, but it never changed what was happening. The National Security Agency (NSA) is an American intelligence unit responsible for collecting, translating and analyzing collected information. data and information for surveillance and counter-espionage purposes. As a security agency, confidentiality of data and information is necessary. Therefore, strict security measures are essential to protect the confidentiality of data and information in the custody of the NSA. The case of Edward Snowden is a case of insider threat that was not anticipated when the NSA security policy was designed. Therefore, some of the security measures put in place were unable to prevent Edward Snowden from accessing the information. However, the agency could have used CCTV cameras to track Edward's activities and designate someone to monitor him. (Insider Threat Detection, p6). This would have made him change his mind about releasing the information to the media and the public. Video analysis tools could be used to identify the conditionpsychophysics of Edward Snowden, especially when accessing high security areas such as the server room and data. warehouse. The agency could also monitor employee behavior, including their work schedules, USB port usage, phone communications, network logs, emails and badges. This would have made it difficult for Edward Snowden to access vital information, thereby reducing the danger caused by his disclosures (Insider Threat Detection, p. 5). Another scenario in which an insider can pose a threat to network security is where an employee with privilege to access vital information in the master database maliciously modifies information and changes passwords belonging to other employees, thereby denying them the services they need. Most security policies focus on hackers and therefore it will be difficult to detect malicious employees since their actions will be stimulated by a particular event. In this case, the employee could be provoked by, say, low pay or a conflict with a colleague, which could prompt him to sabotage the network, thus posing a serious threat. Edward Snowden was not a traitor. The agency gave him privileges to access top secret files and so he did not persuade other employees to give him their passwords or carry out malicious activity in order to obtain the information (Edward Snowden n he's not a traitor, Np). The mass surveillance program had existed for a long time, but what Edward Snowden didn't like was the way surveillance of sexual content or naked people was circulated among employees. He felt this behavior was unethical and therefore reported the National Security Agency where he was a senior employee (Snowden Is No Hero Yet, Np). Surveillance is how Internet service providers make money. Everyone is at risk of surveillance because many companies exchange personal data with marketing agencies who not only use this information to send us targeted advertisements and offers, but also to suggest the prices we are charged for the products offered by these companies. Companies use this information to manipulate the news articles and advertisements we receive in our emails. Governments, in turn, use surveillance to discriminate, freeze free speech, and censor what people can see. Companies and governments share the collected data and in some cases the data is lost due to huge security breaches in their systems. Online information storage and cookies are attributes of the web that many businesses use but have come under considerable criticism in the recent past. A cookie is a piece of data generated by a web server and stored on the hard drive of a user's workstation. This data, called state information, provides a mechanism for the website that stored the cookie to track a user's web browsing habits and preferences ("PARKER INFORMATION RESOURCES"). A web server can use the state information to predict future needs, and the state information can help a website resume previously initiated activity. For example, you may use your web browser to access a website that sells a particular product; the website may store a cookie on your computer that describes the products you view. When you visit the site later, the website may retrieve the status information from thecookie and invite you to review this particular product or view similar products (“PARKER INFORMATION RESOURCES”). Other typical applications that store cookies on users' machines include search engines; shopping carts used by web retailers and secure e-commerce applications. Information about past viewing habits stored in a cookie may also be used by other websites to personalize their web page. One recent use of cookies involves storing information that helps a website decide which advertising banner to display on the user's screen. Using this technique, a website can tailor advertisements to the profile of the user's past web activity. Although website owners defend the use of cookies as useful to web consumers, a website's storage of information on the user's computers constitutes an invasion of privacy. The data or information captured is private and sensitive. Sometimes web servers send this information to other websites which use it to track the user's online activities. Users concerned about this privacy issue can instruct their browser to notify them each time a website stores a cookie and provide the option to opt out of storing the cookie. Users can also view their cookies and delete their cookie files. According to an article by Cheryl Pellerin (2014) on cyber legislation, the US government must address issues related to the leaking of confidential information to the media and establish cyber laws. These are the critical questions highlighted by Keith B. Alexander, general of US Cyber ​​Command and director of the NSA. Citing an example of an earlier media leak in his Edward Snowden speech, Alexander insisted that such activities by National Security Agency officials restrict the establishment of cybersecurity laws (Cheryl, Np). Snowden leaked classified information about the NSA surveillance program to the media and fled the United States. However, Snowden has since been accused of espionage and stealing federal government documents. Alexander also defended the British decision against David Miranda, a Guardian journalist and partner of Glenn Greenwald. The verdict illustrates how the British government was able to craft laws prohibiting the public disclosure of national security intelligence, despite the “puzzle” nature of that information. Journalists have a professional duty to ensure that what they publish does not endanger the public interest, including the lives of citizens, and the security of the country (Cheryl, Np). Cyber ​​Command has prioritized five critical issues in an effort to prepare for the growing cyber future. These issues include creating a secure architecture that will allow them to patch vulnerabilities as quickly as possible. Another crucial issue is training the workforce and acquiring high-level skills such as those of the NSA's elite units. Cyber ​​Command also intends to establish a security policy to streamline command and control. They also seek to develop shared situational awareness in cyberspace and grant the NSA and Cyber ​​Command the authority to share confidential information such as malware signatures and cyber threat intelligence with industry (Cheryl , Np). Additionally, the nation should establish a way to collaborate with other countries to safeguard cyberspace. The general insisted.